IBO is really on a whole new level when it comes to getting your message in front of targeted traffic.  When you write an article on IBO your message gets put on 5 different high traffic blogs and is automatically tweeted along with that your blog gets posted on the wall of the main site that has thousands of active users and people and they actually get rewarded for sharing your website and commenting on your blog and websites only increasing the amount of traffic back to your website.

I was actually referred from a fellow apsesne member and i have found many other fellow Apsense members using this site and doing well. 94 % of all the traffic comes from the outside sources when you post your website here this is a really high statistic and it is from all the active sharing you find at this site which makes it stand out from other social networking platforms.

You can post max 2 blogs a day which gives you 40 credits that you can convert
into impressions for more hits to advertise even more.  IBO has weekly Webinars to learn how to utilize this website even more and they give 100 credits for listening in.

You can also earn 200 credits for each referral. 
Also IBO is free to use and you don't need to pay anything.
I also think they have the best "sign up splash page" i have ever seen rotating  highlights really stands out.  This is one place you want to be promoting in 2012.  Visit now http://www.ibotoolbox.com/invited.aspx?jid=17038

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