We are always looking for ways to expand our businesses. I've seen this same recomendation on many marketing guru's sites. In fact I've seen it so much I've decided to share it. Giving away free samples is one of the most effective marketing tactics available. Large companies like Proctor and Gamble know that once a consumer decides they like a product, they can become a customer for life. There is no better salesman than the product itself. Even if you have a service business, offering up a method for prospective buyers to try a derivative of your service for free can lead to more sales. Now, of course you can't give your main product away, but if you can give your prospect a "taste" of what you have to offer, then you'll one step closer to proving to them that you are the company they can trust. A simple, free report that should be a summary of your product or service will work nicely.

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