You've set up your network marketing blog and you understand that it is an effective way to get the word out about your opportunity, but how do you get Internet users to find you and keep coming back time and again? It all starts with a plan. Not only do you want to make your blog one that will rank well with search engines, but you also want to make sure that it appeals to your human visitors as well.

Choose the Right Keywords

Ideally, you want to rank in the first two pages of listings on the major search engines. Keep in mind, though, that your competition also wants to do well in search engine results, and that the competition for short keyword phrases is fierce. Would you rather be a little fish in the Internet (keyword) pond or a bigger fish in a small pond?

Make a point of choosing long-tail keyword phrases of several words for your blog posts and content. Your goal should be to rank well for keywords which apply to your niche network marketing market, since that is the type of Internet user you want to attract to your blog.

Post Regularly

Have you ever visited a blog which looked interesting but which hadn't been updated for some time? You probably wouldn't have bookmarked that page or planned to revisit it later on, would you? Make a schedule for updating your blog and stick to it. Keep feeding it with content to encourage your visitors to come back often.

Make Your Blog Posts Relevant

You can have a great design for your blog but if you aren't providing content in your posts that your readers find interesting and relevant, they won't come back. Before you put something up on your blog, determine whether you are providing something which your reader will benefit from in a meaningful way and only publish posts which meet these criteria.

Encourage Interaction With Your Blog

End your blog post with a question and invite your readers to comment. When someone does so, respond promptly and keep the discussion going. Not only will you have people coming back to see how the discussion is progressing, but the questions and issues discussed in the comments can help you find out what your readers are interested in learning more about, which will help you when developing fresh content.

Comment on Other Blogs

An effective strategy for distinguishing yourself as an expert in your niche market is to make a point of visiting other blogs and leaving comments on them. If you are going to adopt this strategy to get traffic to your network marketing blog, you will need to do more than limit your comments to something like, "I agree" or "That's right." Add something interesting to the discussion and include a link to your own blog.

Adopting these strategies will help you develop a stream of online traffic to your network marketing blog. They will also help you to establish yourself as an authority to your niche market.

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