Created an Instant Messenger account, but don't have many people to communicate? Well it's not that hard. Start cruising the member directory out there. There's an amazing amount of personal information about people listed there. You can strike up a conversation with anyone, about anything in their personal profile. What if they say NO when they find out what you are marketing? Again, that's life.


That's what happens when you talk to people you don't know. But if you use their personal information, you already have it in. You don't spend one cent generating leads. Market likes this when you have time – say three people a day – but stay in touch.


You might focus on a topic that's always interesting to them: themselves: their health, their appearance, their relatives, their sports. Forget about yourself entirely. Be a good listener. Appear interested in what they have to say no matter what it is. Seem interested and satisfied, but do not appear to hang on their every words. It's not that hard to do.


Now, how do you get people to talk to you? Here is a few tricks :

  1. If you join a few interest groups, you will soon have lots of people wanting to IM with you.
  2. One of the best tricks is asking questions. That's the key to pre-qualifying people. Ask questions and you will be able to tell quickly within a few short conversations, if they have the potential to be a part of your business. You will know them by how they answer your questions.

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