Another in my Mind Shift Marketing series about how to train your mind to fit what's going on in the new Marketing world of today, gone are the old techniques we used years ago. The new Marketing techniques we need to learn are changing at blinding speed and if you miss the boat you'll just get frustrated and give up, trust me its easy to give up in this game because as soon as most people find out that they actually have to put some work in they walk away from this. Below are a few suggestions that I use on a daily basis to keep myself in the game because if you don't learn how to manage your mind, your mind will manage you.


1. If what you're doing isn't working, ignore the geniuses who tell you to keep doing what you're doing. Its an oxymoron.


2. When you feel like you've hit a wall with your Marketing, take a deep breath, step away from your computer and think about what you're NOT doing and the lightbulb will turn on over your head.


3. Stop being lazy and do the things that people aren't willing to do, go the extra mile.


4. Farm out some of your more tedius tasks, don't use the excuse that its too time consuming, there are plenty of sites out here now where people will do your work for just 5 bucks a pop.


5. Manage your time, be consistent everyday doing what works and eliminate what doesn't


6. Get rid of all your distractions and If you're working from home with kids or whatever make sure they know that you need a certain ammount of time doing your work with no interruptions.


7. Leave that cellphone alone unless necessary, its a time sucker and a major distraction


8. Make sure you get a link shortner that shows you your analytics otherwise you'll never know whats working and what's not.


 Personally, I love and use

In closing, if you need some instruction feel free to stop by my marketing e-book store, my prices are affordable and range from $2.99 to $17.00, I realize times are tight right now and I'm not trying to rip anyone off.

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