The Dilema: How do I convince my prospects or customers that no matter what's going on in the industry that I can be trusted? Trust is something you have to be real about, you just can't fake trust no matter how you try, you have to say what you mean and mean what you say every time for it to sink in with people, you have to be consistantly honest and trustworthy. If you claim something about your product you better make damn sure you can deliver on that promise because you won't get a second chance to make a first impression. Consumers know they're in power now and if they sense you're faking, its a wrap, you can trust me on that. If you want to screw up your brand and your good name, don't come through with a promise and see what happens. If someone has a question you can't answer don't be ashamed to let them know that you'll do everything in your power to find the answer immediately and don't blow them off whatever you do or else they won't say anything but you'll never hear from them again and they'll go to your competition and spread the word about your poor service. My goal is to set myself apart from the competition.


People appreciate you more when you're straight to the point and don't dance around questions you may not be able to answer, people hate it when they feel they're intelligence is being questioned, I know this to be true because I'm not just a marketer, when it boils down to it I'm a consumer as well and I know how I feel when someone is feeding me a line or trying to pressure me into doing or buying something. I have a pretty good sense of humor as well and I use it when necessary to disarm the worst sceptic, it works pretty good most of the time. I don't go overboard to reward customers but I let my best customers know that I appreciate them with coupons and discounts I find, actually I take no customer for granted, I call them all with sales and deals. Its also a good idea to admit a negative, it brings a positive every time, You don't have to be ashamed to admit a vulnerability, that builds trust over time.


I'm also not afraid to use customer testimonials, with names and contact information, I always ask a satisfied customer if its alright to use their experience in my marketing, they always say yes. My company Elite Profits Network is also very active in the community, we help in natural disasters, families in need of food and other things. My company is based in Atlanta and I'm going to implement the same assistance programs here in the part of Florida I'm in. We have a real face we're not just some company out here trying to get every dollar we can get looking for the next customer, we walk the walk not just talk the talk. I don't want any holes in my Marketing, I want my Marketing to be seamless. I want to be able to talk about my company with pride, I want others to talk about my company with pride as well. Don't talk about it, be about it.

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