Ok Today iam gonna talk about how to become a leader.I think this is going to be really helpful to successful in your business as well as your life

Leadership is a quality that cannot be taught. Either you have it or you don't. Some people like to take charge, be their own person and follow their own path. Some prefer to take direction from others. Leadership is not a quality that can be found outside of yourself, you need to develop it from inside yourself.


Here are five suggestions that will help you cultivate your own leadership skills:


1. Don't feel like you have to prove anything to anyone, anywhere.


If you're in class, and someone wants to make a speech that's rife with inaccuracies, bias takes and general nonsense, let them. You do not have to display your intellectual prowess in order to prove that this person is an idiot. You don't have to feel obligated to set the record straight. Likewise, you shouldn't feel pressured into abandoning an unpopular belief, just because the majority of people around you claim that it's false. Don't feel pressured into being anything for anybody. This is your life, you can live it they way you want.


2. Talk the talk and walk the walk.


Don't be a hypocrite. Don't flip-flop or fake. If you say something, mean it. If you promise to do something, do it. Be true to your word in every situation.


3. Let your actions speak louder than your words.


Deeds have more weight than words. You can pay lip-service to hard work and achieving your goals, but if you never act upon these declarations, you're just talking. People respond to bold action. Figure out what it is you want to do, and set your plan in motion immediately.


4. Don't be intimidated by any person, place, thing or idea.


Develop thick skin. Learn to take emotions out of the equation. Don't let anyone make you feel bad. There's not enough time for self-doubt, you have too much to do. You will be faced with awkward situations where you will feel challenged in some way. Stick up for yourself and your ideas. Don't let your environment dictate how you react. No one can say anything that'll phase you, if you refuse to let yourself be phased.


5. Feel like you are in control of any and every situation.


Leadership is about controlling difficult situations. You have to feel like you are master of your own domain in every possible scenario. Sure you will face overwhelming incidents in life, but when you do, stand up and accept it. Push forward. Get past your problems, free your mind of all restrictive doubt, and execute a solution.

Leadership cannot be taught from without, but it can be developed from within. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Don't let anything get under your skin. Follow your word, take action, and no that you are in control of your own life.


Akila Wedasinghe


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