first i wanna thank all of you for your huge responce to my previous article.

today i am gonna talk about very important topic.if somebody like to add anything to this your welcome to do that.


Today Most of the people looking some extra marketing is one of the best way to make money.but before you getting to this field you need to know few things. without knowing this if you jump into network marketing you destroying your self.


ok then what are the key factors you have to consider




What is that need to know when they start a business in your country.

as a example take company called "A" assume their very successful and been in your country for 50 years.your planing to start your new network marketing with them today.

what kind of a result you can expect, most of the time its gonna be very difficult for you.eventhough their very successful they been in our country for 50 years.then most of the people they already know about this company.if they like it they already join with them before you join.people who are not joining with them they don't like it.anyway their not gonna join with you either.iam not saying you can't find anybody.definitely you can find some people. ok let say you sponsor few people then what happen.they are gonna
have that same difficulties what you had before.


2. Product.


It could be cosmatics, Vitamins, enargy drink ..........or may be some service.

you need to have some basic idea about the market.if they don't have good product don't getting to that.also you need  to know who wants it. some companies they don't have good product but some how introduce pay plan and try to sell it then get out of it. if you join with them you gonna loose your time, effort not only that respect from your family and friends.



3. Price.


iam not taking about joining fee.

This is Very important. as a example take company "A" again, assume they have wonderful skincare system for $300.Let say this same system but different brand and quality you can find out from out side just for $100.what do u gonna think now.can you convince people to buy your product.eventhough your product really good their not gonna listen to you.because their not believe you.your gonna have a hard time if you try to sell this. plan


In my previous article i was talk everything about varies pay plans.


5.Company credibility


Your need to know about that company.let say they just start in your country.but if they already have business in other countries you need to know how they are doing in those countries.let say their brand new company.then you don't have any records about them now what do you do? just check what kind of a people involving with them then consider about factor 2,3,4 then if you feel good you can join.because if they successful then you become one of the top person  with them.


6.Education and training.


doesn't matter how good is their product and pay plan.if they don't have good training and education system they gonna be fail for sure.anybody can talk to people and get them into the business.but keep them in the business is very difficult part.for that you have to have a proper training.if not their gonna quit.some people think they don't need any training they can do it by their self it is not a big deal. i am directly tell you they are jokers. they waste their time also your time after few day they get out of the business not only that talk all the bad things about your business and you.



after you consider these factor take your decision.don't goto your grand mother and ask is this a good business to do or not? don't do google search entire life serching can't do any reaserch with google its not a research engine its a search engine. take your decision with in 48 hours.otherwise your not gonna do any business.after you take the decision work hard to acheive your dreams and goals.


remember this eventhough if you join with the best company in the world everything depend on you.most of the people join with network marketing and goto sleep then wakeup after few months and complaining to their upline  about not making any money.treat your business as a business not as a hobby.


GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!



if you have any qiestion or you want some advice contact me


Akila Wedasinghe




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