Don't need to Pay, to Get Paid!  



Work at Home,
This is the answer:


with this NEOBUX STRATEGY without investment.

Earn $50 Bucks A Day At Neobux - I'll Show You How Right Here - Neobux is the Best Paid to Click / Advertising service online, "the Cream of the Crop"! 

Make $50+ Per Day or more with the NeoBux Strategy Guide ? No Investments Needed!

What I am about to show you is a way to build your earnings to $50 bucks a day without spending a nickle. No hype, no fluff and at most 15 minutes a day. 

This Strategy Guide will teach you how to make REAL money with Neobux, without paying them a thing. The only catch is you won?t be making $50/day right off the bat. You will be making a few cents when you first start. 

The name of the game is called PATIENCE. 

Now, with this method, I haven't invested any money to earn money. If you have money to invest, by all means, do it and you?ll see results faster than mine. The key to making money on NeoBux is through referrals. It?s simple, if you don?t have referrals, you won?t make money

You can rent referrals directly from NeoBux!

The referrals are real people (NOT BOTS) and cost 25 cents a month each. Some will be active and some won?t. To ?recycle? a non-active referral for an active one you have to pay 7 cents. It may seem like a lot, but it?s worth it. If you don?t recycle inactive referrals, you will lose money. Okay enough chat let?s begin! 

Sign Up To NeoBux Here: Click Here - for FREE! -

Step 1: 

Start Clicking Your Ads Every day, When you reach 75 cents by clicking on your own ads (if you don?t invest money) you are able to purchase 3 referrals (DO NOT BY REFFS YET!), it takes a few days to earn the 75 cents on your own and people are so eager to buy referrals that they just purchase as soon as their account reaches 75 cents. When people do this they do not realize that they do not have enough money to maintain their rented referrals and their referrals eventually are taken away because they can?t pay for them. 

Step 2: 

Ok so before you rent referrals you should earn $3 by clicking on your ads (Or You Can Invest For Quickness) and then transfer it to your rental balance. This way you have $1 per referral and you will easily be able to recycle them if they are not active or pay to keep them for one more month. It will take a while to get $3 on your own, but this way you will be able to keep your referrals and exchange the inactive ones for active ones without the fear that you will not be able to pay for them. 

Step 3: 

Once you have your $3 in your rental balance purchase 3 referrals, Autopay is another must. As soon as you rent your first 3 referrals turn Autopay on (you will find this on the page where your referrals are listed). Referrals cost 25 cents a month to keep. Instead of you paying for the referral, they pay for themselves as long as you have Autopay turned on. What it does it subtract one of the advertisements your referral views each day and puts it towards the 25 cents that referral needs to stick around for another month. So you get one less penny from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active. 

Step 4: 

Cashing out too early is a huge problem for people that use NeoBux. When you request a payment it is INSTANTLY transferred into your Alertpay/Paypal account. In order to see if NeoBux is indeed legit (which it is) many people will earn a dollar by clicking and then cash it out. Woo-hoo. You now have a WHOLE DOLLAR in your Paypal account. That dollar should have been put towards buying referrals. With this strategy you will be putting $3 into your rental balance before you buy 3 referrals. So $1 per referral. I actually did not cash out until I started reaching +1000 refs. Keep renting referrals by increments of 3 (you can rent by higher increments later as your referrals make you more money) and continue until you have 500 referrals. 

This will take quite some time. This is where most people flake out. When you reach 500 referrals, stop buying referrals and 

just maintain the ones you already have. Keep doing this until the money builds up to about $100 and you can use $90 of it to pay for a golden upgrade. 

$100 won?t take very long at all to get once you have 500 referrals and once you upgrade to golden your earnings will DOUBLE. 

This is the great part. Golden costs $90 a year but instead of getting half a cent for every advertisement your referral views, you get 1 cent. Your earnings double. That?s all there is to it. 

Keep renting new referrals after you upgrade to golden and don?t cash out. Remember, you haven?t cashed out at all, and you shouldn?t until you have 2000 referrals. 

But when you do cash out, you will be able to cash out about $50 a day. And that?s the end of the strategy. 

P.S. It will also help you in your neobux adventure to get direct referrals, with the use of a referral link, such as the one below.
Please sign up under me. You don?t have to, but I would appreciate it, in exchange for the info. Hope this helps guys. 

All this is free to do. 

To sign up with me Click Here - for FREE:

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