I came across that question here tonight, and was infuriated with the answers some people posted.

This is my answer, the one I posted in reposne to some of the answers posted.

"I realize that this is an English site, but it is also a SOCIAL networking site. The answers posted by some here boarder on racism. Even FACEBOOK with it's 500 million members do not chase people away by telling them to go join a site that is in that language. You know why? Because Mark Zuckburg invented SOCIAL networking and his site did not grow to 500 million members by being EXCLUSIONARY. Instead, he accommodates that's way FACEBOOK is all over the world. I lived with xenophobia and stereotypes all my life. But in a social networking site, this is ridicules".

The beauty of the internet is that is magically bridges people together. No other time in the history of humankind has it been possible to instantly communicate with people from all over the world. Instant messaging, a logical extention to websites and email, made it possible to connect.

The monstrous phenom that is Facebook because as huge as it is because it is a social environment. A place where Muslims and Christians, Jews and Gentiles, Republican and Democrat, black, white, brown, red and yellow, can all interact. Some do it for fun, some do it for business and it is wonderful. The internet is color blind, and does not care about anyone's religion, politics, skin color or LANGUAGE.

Many people the world over speak more than one language, understanding and embracing these differences make the world a better place. It only becomes a horrible expeience when peoples own biases and prejudices come into play. Are we going to allow those same illnesses from the "real world" contaminate cyberspace?

While Wincer is busting his back to develop APSense and make it grow, to be inclusive, are we going to allow one or two to chase people away, to make them feel unwelcome?

Rather than chasing them away, which by the way I do not think Wincer would appreciate, perhaps telling them that is is ok to set up a group just for Spanish, Russian, Indian, Chinese, Hinndu, etc. speakers is ok. Google has created translation tools, Facebook asks users which language they prefer.

Am I insane or does my thinking have any merits? Just because on, two or all the moderators only speak one language is it right to reject growth at the expensive of language?

As an admin or moderator one is looking at it with one set of eyes. As the owner or an investor, I'm sure they look at it differently.

Are you prepared to exclude an entire continent of potential users because of language? Or,  perhaps as an admin or moderator should you ask it a translation tool could be included? I dont know. While I was bothered by the answers because I Puerto Rican, or hispanic to the less informed, but the same holds true for all languages.

At the end of the day, this website is a business and I never heard of a smart business person turning away good money. I could be wrong, please comment and tell me I am.

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