It's been a rough year, but I made it!  But not everyone is as lucky as I am......

The economy is so bad that I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

Internet Guru's are having to sell their lists to make a few extra thousand dollars to make bail...
Internet marketers aren't buying leads anymore.

I ordered a burger at McDonald's, and the kid behind the counter asked, ?Can you afford fries with that?"

CEO's are now playing miniature golf.

If the bank returns your check marked  "Insufficient Funds," you have to call them and ask if they mean you or them .

Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.

McDonald's is selling the 1/4  'ouncer'.

Parents in   Beverly Hills and Malibu are firing their nannies and learning their children's names.

A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico .

Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.

Google might decide to cancel all Gmail accounts...Ouch!

Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore.

The Mafia is laying off judges.

Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
Congress says they are looking into the Bernard Madoff scandal.  Oh Great!!   The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 Trillion disappear !

And, finally...
A guy I met at the coffee shop this morning was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, and our bleak future, that he called the Suicide Lifeline and was connected to a call center in Pakistan .   When he told them he was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if he could drive a truck.


Health, Happiness and Success!
Mario & Michelle from BC, Canada~
SKYPE: artisbc2

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