Tissa Godavitarne's ACME People Search
  • FACT: 30% of All Searches on Google and Yahoo are People Search Related - and Growing
  • Meet the Demand in This Exploding Niche With Your OWN Automated People Search Engine
  • Earn Commissions from TWELVE Independent Affiliate Programs Integrated Into One System
  • Build Residual Income Streams from APS, GDI and GVO Using the Built-in Referral Program
  • FREE Advertising of Your Search Engine for 24 Hours After You Complete Three Easy Steps
  • A Guaranteed Bonus of $125.00 AFTER You Earn $75 (Your Incentive to LEARN how to Earn)
  • Personal Support from Tissa Godavitarne and a Community of Successful and Helpful Users
  • NOT Another "Free Money!" Program: Expect to Invest at Least $10 in Your New BUSINESS
  • 451,530 ACME People Search Affiliates Can't Be Wrong: Start YOUR New Business TODAY!

It only takes a few minutes to create your own people search engine!  Start by entering your email
address below. 
(Your email address is used SOLELY to communicate with you about your people search engine.)

You were referred by a compensated affiliate of this program (1269276152BPUK). 
Your earnings will depend on your ability and willingness to learn.
Here are referral fees earned by affiliates of this program.

Total Transparency

Referral Fees Paid by Tissa Godavitarne to ACME People Search Affiliates
Some people will look at these payments and conclude that as usual, those at the "top" are making the most money (namely Tissa and his wife).  They're right.  That's the nature of all business organizations.  Just like the owners of ClickBank are making more than ClickBank affiliates.  (If you want to be at the "top", start your own company.)

Others will look at these payments and see the exact opposite.  Sure, of the $670,751.80 paid in Referral Fees (as of May. 21, 2010), $139,556.00 has been paid to Tissa and his wife.  But wait: Tissa has paid his ACME People Search affiliates more than THREE times that amount: $531,195.80.  So now who's making more?

Still others will look at these payments and realize this: Most "gurus' make their money by selling their programs - not by using their programs (often because they don't work).  Not only is Tissa's program FREE, but clearly he makes money using the SAME program he provides to his affiliates.  In other words, he doesn't expect you to use what he himself can't use.

PLUS, the Referral Fees paid below don't include commissions from 11 ADDITIONAL income streams built into Tissa's ACME People Search, including ClickBank, MyLife, Commission Junction, AdSense, HostGator, Global Domains International, and GVO!
# Amount Affiliate's Name City State Country
1. $78200.00 Tissa Godavitarne Herndon VA USA
2. $60456.00 Carolyn Godavitarne Gainesville VA USA
3. $19915.15 Lewis Syring Garden Ridge TX USA
4. $12512.00 Tim Nagle Colorado Springs CO USA

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