Written by Lonnie Niver

Can you really make money in Network Marketing by getting 3 people to join? My opinion is yes and no! Three is just a number it is the mind set of getting 3 people and getting rich that people just don't understand.

I had this friend of mine who calls me up and asked if I would be interested in join a network business with him. He said that all I had to do is get 3 and I could make $48,000 a month. Now I have been in network marketing for some time and I know that it doesn't take just 3 and be done so, I ask him if he understood the concept of getting 3 people. After talking to him for about an hour I learned that he has no knowledge of what it takes to get 3 people.

First of all for you who are reading this and thinking the same as my friend let me just say that you have been scammed into believing the Get 3 people and GET rich concept. You can't GET RICH OVERNIGHT OFF the FIRST 3 PEOPLE you refer to your business. Get it out of your head because it doesn't happen that way.

You can get rich with 3 people but if you don't continue to recruit others your business will fail. See, this is a numbers game, those first 3 people you referred may or may not do anything in the business. There are also no guarantees because some people will get in and if they don't see any money coming in within the first few weeks they will cancel. More than Likely they won't see anything unless they are gun ho about building a business. So you have to continue recruiting!

The object of networking marketing is not to just find 3 people.  But to find 3 who are willing to work is the tough part. You may have to recruit thousands before you find people to work the business. But once you find people who want to work then and only then will you see success. Why stop at 3 go for 10, 20,100 or 1000 and more!

Lonnie D. Niver

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