All cells in the body and their proper balance are governed by the electromotive forces (ions) of the chemical interactions. These voltage forces or micro-charges [of which the cell membranes are measured in pico Farads] are responsible for cellular transfer of oxygen, nutrients, waste elimination, maintenance of the immune system, and the complete operation of the body.

Cells measure an electromotive force known as the Zeta (Negative) potential. Healthy cells have a high Negative Zeta potential and efficiently transport nutrients and waste in and out of the cells. Injured cells measure a low Negative Zeta potential and have inefficient transport ability.

When a site is injured and/or the tissue is damaged from trauma or stress (long or short term), the site looses its Zeta (Negative) potential moving toward a Positive state causing swelling resulting in pain because of the cell?s inability to metabolize properly. The lack of Negative energy sends a Positive stress signal to the brain, which in turn sends healing Negative energy to the site for repair.

In order for healing to take place [which will relieve the pain and swelling], the Zeta potential must be restored. Proper applications of the Negative energy applied correctly to the injured site can instantly increase the Zeta Potential - which has shown in many cases to give instant pain relief and in most cases within hours.

The increased Zeta potential improves oxygen and nutrient transfer as it relaxes capillary walls, surrounding muscle and connective tissues. As the Zeta Potential increases, the cells take on their electromotive vitality and start an accelerated trend to correct metabolization for reorganization back to health.

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