New Technology Will Change Entire Internet! The entire internet is about to be upgraded to Web 2.0 standards. No, this is not another Social Networking site, rather, this is a full implementation of Web 2.0 standards WORLWIDE!

And what is more important for you?

We are giving away $ 1.000.000,00 (one million dollars) to help us spread the world! That's right -  EVERYONE WHO JOINS FOR FREE before our official launch date of July 1st 2008 can receive an  EQUAL SHARE of ONE MILLION DOLLARS! (divided between all "FREE" members). This WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY! This is not just some crazy promotion to get your attention. It will not cost you ANYTHING.

Sounds too good to be true, heh? But please, read the details BEFORE YOU JUDGE THIS OPPORTUNITY!

Our Company just opened up the doors on a  COMPLETELY FREE pre-launch initiative as part of an effort to build a sizable team for the launch of our new  WEB CHANGING TECHNOLOGIES that are due out this summer.  Our team is comprised of highly successful professionals  from both the home-business industry and the  technology development industry and we have joined forces to create new technologies that are going to  CHANGE THE INTERNET AS WE NOW KNOW IT!

There are currently less than 5% of all websites online that are considered Web 2.0 Compliant. This term (Web 2.0) came into being over the last couple of years because of how the internet has evolved from being just an  information source, to users becoming fully interactive through Social Networking communities such as mySpace, Facebook, youTube and other similar user interactive communities. Though, as stated above, less than 5% of all websites online are currently considered to be Web 2.0 compliant.

Our "ground-breaking new technology" is NOT just some product, software or website that will create another mySpace type of community. Our new TOP SECRET Technology WILL change THE ENTIRE INTERNET to Web 2.0 Standards!

That's right! This technology IS GOING TO CHANGE THE WEB for EVERYONE!

By participating, you will be one of the founding members responsible for helping us ROLL OUT A "NEW INTERNET"!

"How can you afford to just give away $1,000,000?"

That's a good question. If you're interested, click here for more details.

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