Brian K Kopp says so many marketers out there are approaching their business the wrong way.
They just don’t realize that, with a little planning on their end,
they could be marketing their product "hands free"?

No calling strangers. No buying leads. Just responding to prospects
who contact them after studying their offer. And the whole process
might take them all of a few hours a week just to manage.

How is this possible?

Technology is the answer. Technology allows us to work smart instead
of way too hard. There are systems out there which allow you to do this.
One example is GRN Team Builder, recently launched to help Global
Resorts Network representatives automate their businesses.

Global Resorts Network offers a luxury travel club membership for sale.
This is an alternative to timeshare ownership. What is unique, or
unusual, is that the rates for booking the accommodations are not
seasonally adjusted. Members are able to book luxurious resort properties
at any time during the year. A fixed rate applies all year long.

GRN Team Builder offers an “automated prospector” to GRN representatives
so they do not have to spend all of their time on the phone. This allows
them to devote more time to marketing their GRN business. In addition,
GRN Team Builder offers a plug-in marketing solution that allows members
to begin driving high quality traffic to their automated prospector the
very first day. This traffic is converted into leads which are then
contacted automatically by Virtual Assistants.

One of the greatest points of failure for most attempting to earn income
from home has to be prospecting. It is truly difficult to find the time
or the stamina to talk with enough strangers to sort through all the "leads"
to find real qualified buyers. Add to this the fact that most people have
no desire to be thrust into a "sales" role, and we have a real problem.

When prospects respond an ad placed by a GRN representative using GRN Team
Builder, the Virtual Assistants do all the talking for them. So if you
joined GRN and decided to utilize GRN Team Builder…what do you have to do?

It’s very simple…utilize the tools provided by GRN Team Builder to drive
traffic to your site…sit back…and collect checks…

Once you set your business up properly, making money truly is a passive process.

Brian K Kopp

Life Style Changes Start Here

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