Social Networking That PAYS YOU$$


Video Dating<br>
Video Resumes
Video Conferencing
Blogging & Chatting
Video & Audio Streaming
Music & Video's  ...and much more
<br> is positioned to capitalize on the widespread popularity of social networking sites (MySpace, FaceBook, etc.) by offering our members a unique service that offers video enabled profiles, video conferencing between friends, video dating and many other features to entice and serve a growing membership. <br><br>

Our platform will allow: <br><br>

  • sharing of videos, blogs, music, classifieds, events, forum entries, and favorite/popular categories among users and groups moderated by participants within the network. <br>
  • Internal email will allow private communications between users, thereby facilitating dating, personal and business networking, information exchange and optional communications with the “outside” world. <br>
  • will be the net’s newest and most exciting destination to connect with the world. <br>

Anyone 18 years or older can join for free, sample our great destination and connect with their friends. <br><br>

Now you know the basics. You know about the massive growth of MySpace, FaceBook, Hi5, Friendster and dozens of others. Social networking is the Internet’s “killer app”. All of those sites are growing at the rate of 89% per year. We can’t predict how many new users will join our site. Maybe only a few thousand. But we CAN tell you that this experience will be fun, offers great tools and will be an exciting place to interact with friends.<br><br>  <br><br>


<a href=""> Social Networking that pays you back!</a><br>

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