One of the greatest secrets to successful internet marketing I’ve ever seen on the internet is really not a secret at all. In fact, it’s a well known and widely used idea in the internet marketing world. What is it?

It’s relating to your customer on a personal level. On the level of you, as a person and your customer as an individual. Not your company as an organization and your customer as just one person. When you talk to your friends about yourself, do you use the term “we”? When you meet people and they say “Nice to meet you. I’m John” do you reply with “Pleasure to meet you. I’m ABC Inc.” They’d probably think you were insane. No, you’d likely use the terms “you” and “I”. You’d introduce yourself with your name. Our natural tendency is to interact on a personal level because that is what makes us feel comfortable and it creates a connection on a deeper level.

Using your name as well as your customer’s name is a powerful method of creating rapport, one of the first stages in building a business relationship.

This is probably going to hit you pretty hard but I’m going to get in your face a little bit by telling you that no matter how spectacular your company is, people don’t give a rat’s “hiney” about it or you UNTIL either one provides them with some value or benefit. In fact, even before you can even get to the stage where you can communicate the benefits of your company and its products with most people, you’d have to develop some form of a positive relationship first. They need to know that you’re interested in them as an individual; that you are in tune with their needs; that you’re a person who understands them. A friend.

In today’s world where the internet is full of scams and useless product, and fly-by-night companies, trust is a commodity. When you deal with your customers, look to secure trust before trying to secure payment. Trying for a sale before creating an atmosphere of trust is like asking for his/her phone number before any conversation has taken place. A minute later he/she is gone for good.

If you think I’m full of hot air, find 10 random people and before you know anything about them, tell them about your company and what it does. Use terms like “we” and “our”. Notice how quickly you see their eyes glaze over desperately seeking any reason to excuse themselves from your presence? Count the number times you hear an insincere “Oh”, “Really”, and “Wow ! That’s interesting”. . . . etc.

Bottom line: People would rather deal with people. Not corporations. They want to do business with people they know and trust. They want to know that if they have a problem, they have a “friend” on the inside. They want to know that someone they are familiar with is looking after their needs. If you can position you and your business in this way, you’re well on your way to becoming a successful internet marketer. Not only that, but you’ll build a solid and loyal following all along the way.

Visit my new blog, Online Profits Made Simple with Atomic Blogging.

All The Best.

Rosli M Hanip