Array ( [page_id] => 307875 [page_tag] => revenue-operations [m_id] => 777307 [ca_id] => 1052 [page_name] => Revenue Operations [page_title] => Revenue Operations Review [page_about] => The beauty of revenue operations is that they are highly customizable. There is no one size fits all rule here that could apply to every business or company. Instead, these methods are adjusted to t [page_features] => a:5:{i:0;s:11:"Revenue Ops";i:1;s:7:"Rev Ops";i:2;s:18:"Revenue Operations";i:3;s:24:"lead to account matching";i:4;s:16:"match my account";} [page_link] => [page_photo] => page/20190613/1560407264794064.jpg [page_date] => 1560407178 [page_keywords] => [page_content] => a:3:{s:6:"videos";N;s:5:"blogs";a:1:{i:0;a:7:{s:9:"ShortText";s:203:" Wireless mobile phone video surveillance solution is here adding a sense of personal security and safety it offers you real-time video monitoring. This technology utilizes the most powerful softw...";s:10:"m_nickname";s:0:"";s:10:"UpdateDiff";s:14:"Mar 28th 06:29";s:5:"title";s:26:"GET REVENUE FROM YOUR SITE";s:6:"m_name";s:12:"Thang Nghiem";s:7:"m_photo";s:15:"124150_4092.jpg";s:5:"q_tag";s:11:"164396.html";}}s:9:"resources";N;} [page_reviews] => The whole purpose of RevOps software and other tools is to break down barriers between departments. In most cases, each department is like an entity on its own. It functions in a bubble and deals with other departments only when necessary. But, the effectiveness of marketing strategy and revenue can amplify when these barriers are eliminated. [page_flag_about] => 1 [page_flag_reviews] => 1 [page_flag_share] => 0 [page_flag_photo] => 1 [page_flag_content] => 1 [page_flag_keywords] => 0 [page_state] => 1 [page_count_hit] => 410 [page_count_comment] => 0 [page_like_votes] => 0 [page_own_votes] => 0 [page_dislike_votes] => 0 [vote_value] => 0 [guid_id] => 6617111 [m_nickname] => marta99butler [m_name] => Marta Butler [m_photo] => profile/20190402/1554200423535264.jpg [m_honor] => 589 [ca_name] => Business [title] => Revenue Operations [date] => Jun 13th 01:26 [brief] => The beauty of revenue operations is that they are highly customizable. There is no one size fits all rule here that could apply to every business or company. Instead, these methods are adjusted to t [reviews] => The whole purpose of RevOps software and other tools is to break down barriers between departments. In most cases, each department is like an entity on its own. It functions in a bubble and deals with other departments only when necessary. But, the effectiveness of marketing strategy and revenue can amplify when these barriers are eliminated. )