
How can I stop my hair from shedding naturally?

Asked by INDRAJEET SINGH CHAUHAN, in Health & Medical
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Hari om Agrawal Advanced  Retired engineer & websites owner
a) Coconut is a very useful option to prevent hair loss as it contains essential fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Moreover, the antibacterial and antiviral properties can do wonders for hair.
Remedy: Apply homemade coconut milk on the scalp and massage gently for 3-5 minutes. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then wash as usual with shampoo.
b) Henna can also act as a great source for providing your hair strength which would reduce hair fall.

Remedy: Soak 2 cups of henna in water overnight. Also, soak half a cup of fenugreek seeds overnight. Prepare a paste of soaked fenugreek seed and add to Heena paste along with 2 spoons of mustard oil. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair for 2 hours and wash off. Thereafter, shampoo as usual.
Jun 8th 2020 09:02   
LordHair S. Freshman  For a better you

Here are some simple and inexpensive hair care tips that need to be applied on an ongoing basis to achieve maximum results:

1. Treat your hair with oil - a must. And it is best to repeat this procedure at least once a week. Coconut oil is preferable, as it is suitable for all types of hair. It penetrates into the roots of the curls and prevents moisture loss, acting as a sealant, which compensates for the loss of protein, and as a result, the hair is less susceptible to damage and remain dense and healthy.

Rosemary-lavender oil has a different effect - controlling hair loss and gradually recovering to healthy growth. It consists of organic components such as coconut, amla, olives, jojoba, castor, and lavender oils, which stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss, strengthen weak roots, restore split ends and clean up thin unruly hair.

2. Discard shampoos with chemical ingredients. Choose shampoos with organic active substances. Components such as beetroot extract and tamarind seeds, Kunai herb extract cleanse your head effectively, without harming your hair.

3. Use air conditioning. It not only increases shine but also makes your curls strong and smooth. Choose a conditioner according to your hair type, otherwise, you will be disappointed with the result. It is best to use the one where there are water, beet extract, keratin, protein and provitamin B, these components provide a protective layer, leading to enrichment of the hair.

4. Wash your hair only in warm water. Hot water can cause serious damage, depletion of the hair follicles and lead to their loss.

5. Remember what you eat. Bad eating habits in combination with stress will lead to hair loss. Try to eat balanced. A protein-rich diet helps keep hair from falling out.

6. If you have a significant loss of hair, the best are suitable complexes in which there is Aloe Vera, Amla, Shikakai and Nim. Use these complexes once a week, washing them with warm water. This will soothe the scalp, provide deep nutrition and prevent hair loss and brittle hair.

7. Do not use a hairdryer. Elevated temperatures in any form have a bad effect on your hair. Avoid using hair dryers or other appliances, or apply a heat spray before using them.

Experts say - the use of these tips will significantly improve the condition of your hair, prevent their loss and restore the natural shine.
Feb 9th 2021 06:12   
Les Marjan Innovator  social
Hi, With a little bit of effort and breaking free from everyday habits concerning hair damage, it will leave you amazed how your hair health improves as a result of it. Stop regretting and start working because now is the time to make the right habits in your lifestyle. If this helped you realize what exactly is the cause of your hair fall, be a savior and share it with your friends who are facing similar issues.
Jul 7th 2021 06:16   
Dana Jones Junior  Salon Beauty Products
There are many kind of hair shampoo and other products available on our website that helps you to stop hair loss. You can visit our website to search the products.
Dec 27th 2021 00:57   
LordHair S. Freshman  For a better you
Hair shedding often stops on its own

It’s normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day. When the body sheds significantly more hairs every day, a person has excessive hair shedding. The medical term for this condition is telogen effluvium.

Excessive hair shedding is common in people who have experienced one the following stressors:

1. Lost 20 pounds or more
2. Given birth
3. Experiencing lots of stress (caring for a loved one who is sick, going through a divorce, losing a job)
4. Undergone an operation
5. Recovering from an illness, especially if it included high fever
6. Stopped taking birth-control pills

Most people notice the excessive hair shedding a few months after the stressful event. For example, a new mom can see excessive hair shedding about two months after giving birth. The shedding usually peaks about four months after giving birth. This shedding is normal and temporary.
Feb 7th 2022 23:56   
Advancells Stem Cell Therapy Advanced  Regenerative Medicine in India
Advancells hair loss treatment program is to stimulate his/her immune system, promote cellular regeneration that will slow down a balding process and spark a new hair growth naturally, to make you regain your confidence level back with the help of stem cell treatment.
Jun 20th 2022 03:37   
Yogesh S. Freshman   Hair Transplant in India
at extra protein. You may not be getting enough protein each day and that can affect your hair growth. ...
Take vitamins. ...
Follow the Mediterranean diet. ...
Use over-the-counter hair loss medication. ...
Try low-level laser light therapy. ...
Maintain good hair and scalp care. ...
Jun 6th 2023 02:22   
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