
APSense Business Center (A.B.C)


With the internet such a large part of our lives today, more and more individuals are looking for opportunities to make money online. While some are doing it to bring in some extra cash, others are looking for full-time careers and are being quite successful with their endeavors. Many are doing this by becoming marketers of CPA opportunities. You, too, can make money marketing CPA offers. What is CPA? CPA (no, I don’t mean “certified public accountant”) stands for “Cost Per Action” and it is when someone is paid for an action resulting from a lead. CPA has been around for many years, but has become much more popular in recent years by mainstream marketers that saw the opportunity for profit. When you’re marketing CPA offers, you don’t necessarily have to sell anything to get paid. For instance, if you’re making up advertisements for a product and a sale is made because of your advertisement, you’ll make money. CPA has become so popular because you can make money without having to actually make the sale yourself. Collecting leads such as names, email addresses and locations is the most effective way of marketing CPA offers. Becoming a marketer for CPA offers is easy, fast and can provide you with a lot of fun and money! Be
 - alyabdo1 June 15th, 2012

Anna is a very committed and determined, like he does, and shows skills to win ....
 - pv422784 June 14th, 2012

I personally dont know Anna but I know She s a superuser of Apsense. Everytime I came here, I saw "Anna" in almost every page of APsense... I love this hardwork attitude and You inspire me to learn alot of thing to be success. One thing,...why did You change ur Profile pict with.....roses...?
 - salsa June 12th, 2012

Anna is hard-working. This is very important thing.
 - szabads June 10th, 2012

you are really hard working an apsene i like you keep it up
 - akhtarsajid June 9th, 2012

Anna knows a lot about High yield investment programs, so if you ever want to invest your money, I recommend that you find her and look for her experiences and resources.
 - lordknives June 9th, 2012

Anna is Hard working and Dedicated to her work All the Best to you
 - orasoftnepal June 8th, 2012

Anna is a very nice and hard working lady. I found him very honest and skilled marketer who always ready to learn and share what she knows which makes her extra ordinary person. I love to recommend her as a skillful marketer and a person on you can trust. Good Luck Anna
 - shahid7788 June 6th, 2012

Infini Global Network este un concept pe care il poti folosi pentru a-ti crea bunastarea si confortul la care visezi utilizand puterea combinatiei network-marketing si internet. In acest mileniu 3, internetul creaza noi meserii, valorifica industriile afectate de criza si chiar creaza ramuri economice noi. Stim ca nu este usor sa inveti meserii noi si mai ales sa traiesti in aceste vremuri de schimbari si transformari majore ale societatii umane. Adaptarea la nou cere efort, insa este stiut si d
 - fanydell June 4th, 2012

thanks anna i want to earn some money for survive life so i want to know the some way of earning the money and i want to make long term business relationship with you if you do help me Thanks
 - kamleshrajak June 4th, 2012

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jesus jesus christ
Gabon, Gabon
Someone who has made achievements with something to offer whether they are new ideas, experiences, products or services. View Profile
Business Industry
  • Relationships
  • Marketing
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Book Reviews
  • Affiliate Marketing


Additional Info.

hello to all visitors on this page I am at your service to give you any gift that you need all the fun is for me to come into service BEST LOGO for your company, - Business Cards - Brochure - Leaflet - Menu Card Design BEST LOGO for your company, - Business ID1346551 mot de passe; 0qceavt investiseur; fl4dstr ur intent is to manage useful and popular web resource about businesses related to emoneys. Big web portal in this niche has a great potential to generate impressive income. Many millions of advertising $ go through e-currencies to promote businesses like those listed by us. Many of those businesses also pay affiliate bonuses to webmasters and/or active members. A substantial budget is needed to successfully manage and turn this project into what we wish it to become. We do what we can with budget we have, but more funds for development and advertising would help to accelerate growth of this project and thats where Shares Program comes in. Shares Program In return for your help to expand this project, we offer to share part of our income and traffic. earns by selling ads, VIP listings, link credits, etc. Every time makes a sale, qualified Shareholders receive their share of our income: ● 2/3 is distributed between all active shareholders. ● 1/6 is distributed between 5 oldest Shares owned by active shareholders. ● 1/6 is distributed between 10 oldest Shares. Currently we accept LibertyReserve, Payza, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay You can use VISA/MasterCard trough and Register for free at PZ or STP and you can instantly add funds to your e-wallet with VISA/MasterCard. Use your e-wallet to make anonymous purchases (your CreditCards' data remain hidden from merchant). You can buy Share for a minimum $1 and maximum $100! Buy as many shares as you wish. Shareholders will receive following benefits: ● 150% return (50% profit) see details ● cash earnings credited up to multiple times per day see details ● withdraw earnings at any time ● 1% daily link credits see details ● 20% bonus link credits upon purchase (buy Share for $10 and get 200 Link Credits) ● 10% up to 30% bonus Shares for larger purchases and to veteran Shareholders see details ● can earn multiple e-currencies see details ● can sell Shares to other member see details ● own 728x90 pixels ad space at see details ● can setup 125x125 pixels text ads and use link credits to assign ad views see details You will get 728x90 pixels ad spot for each Share you buy. We do provide high quality ad exposure and targeted traffic will give you considerable benefit! If you don't have anything in mind to advertise, you could browse our lists, locate program which offers good affiliate bonus, join them and then use your spot to advertise referral link. Your ad will be visible in top 728x90 ads rotator and in shareholders ads list. Value of share is used to determine ad exposure frequency ($100 will be shown 10x more than $10). accept multiple e-currencies, thus income comes through different payment processors. Every time we get income through e-currency you accept, we will add your share of the earnings if: 1 - you are active Shareholder. To remain active, you must regularly visit Status will remain "active" for 72 hours 7 days (until Jan 01, 2013) after last visit. 2 - your Share is one of the oldest active Shares and you are active Shareholder. Once your Share reaches this stage, you will get significant boost of earnings. 3 - your Share is one of the oldest active Shares. This way we ensure that even if Shareholder forgets about us, those shares will also earn 150% (although much slower). Each share remains active until earnings reach 150%. Shares can be sold to other members. If member wishes to release and use remaining principal, Share can be put for sale. As soon as Share is bought by other member, money is added to seller's account and can be withdrawn. Hints to maximize your income: 1 - Spend Link Credits to get referrals. more details here You would get rewards from affiliate programs, thus convert Link Credits to cash. For example, if program offers 10% referral bonus and you spend 500 Link Credits to get 100 referral visits... You can expect that some visitors will join and be active... its likely that you could get $10 or more. and/or Setup text ads and spend Link Credits to assign ad views. more details here 1 link credit will get you 50 ad views 2 - Use Share's option to benefit from site's visitors. Its strongly advised that you configure Share's 728x90 ad space to advertise your site or affiliate link. 3 - Remember to visit us regularly. Most of the earnings are distributed between active Shareholders. see details Shareholder's status remains "active" for 72 hours 7 days (until Jan 01, 2013) after last log in. You would also get 1% link credits for every day you visit (must be logged in to count). 4 - Configure Share to accept multiple e-currencies.