
Hi Philippe I read your your articles. I joined Apsense recently and I'm looking forward of learning more from your post , keep up the good work and continue to keep that passion for helping other I wish you all success..
 - lamournm May 22nd, 2011

I should have done this a while ago,I am well travelled and have met more people than I can remember,one of the reasons I haven't wrote it earlier is the great fun with the back and forward Banter,which I really enjoy,some people would take it personally,not Philippe,he is straighy back with an answer.Even though he is the long lost chief of the whereama Tribe they live in very long grass and keep jumping up and shouting where am I.Joking apart,I don't think there is anyone he hasn't helped on Apsense,he helps me alot,just by being there I know I can Contact him any time and he will always help.Some people have put him down about his new Ezine I wish these people would be congradulating him,maybe its because they didn't think of it first.There is very few people that I could say was a real friend,in Philippe case I would say I have found a true and honest man who I feel Privliged to call a REal Friend,after my action man (GI Joe).I hope you do really well with your E-zine.
 - doufous321 May 16th, 2011

Greetings Norway, What more can I say then I have a great business Friendship here. Philippe is a great Person to connect with, and Very helpfull. Respect Sig
 - sigske May 15th, 2011

Firstly i thank my god for give such a great frds like Philippe Moisan. He is a hardworking man and am i proud of him & always i respect him...!
 - assy May 5th, 2011

Hi Great Yoou are doing a yeomans work on the apsense .com I love your Insider writeups and follow them for my benifit God Bless you with more success to realise your dreams All the best
 - vpsmalhotra May 3rd, 2011

Hi Philippe you have helped me with you wonderful information on so many of your group post and just posts in general. I truly appreciate it. I just wish I could retain it better.
 - abilityplus April 30th, 2011

I love your passion for helping people here at ApSense, which says a lot about you as a person. Your kindness is truly appreciated.
 - srollins April 23rd, 2011

Philippe is an awesome person, he is the one who told me about Apsense,,,,thank you Philippe, Have a great day!:)
 - lorimc64 March 20th, 2011

hi philippe just read your artical. i have joned apsense recently and would like your experties to guide me when i am stuck. thanks
 - pcooner March 7th, 2011

Philippe is the author of the news letter APSense Insider. This is one of the perks of wanting to understand APSense. It is a very informative news letter and I would recommend it to every member. I met Philippe shortly after building my profile with APSense and have found him to be a very helpful person and a sound and stable marketer. I can only hope I meet more with his type of personality. For those of you visiting his profile, be-friend him I promise you won't regret it.
 - ddousharm February 28th, 2011

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Philippe Moisan
Quebec, Canada
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