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 - kaiser23 October 14th, 2010

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 - venuemedia October 13th, 2010

i have learn t a lot from you ever since i joined Apsense
 - pwambui October 1st, 2010

Bronnamdi, Great to have you as my contact and friend. It has been a real pleasure getting to know you via your writings and other contributions at Apsense. You truly are a prolific "Apsenser." Keep up the good work.
 - onlinebizteam September 14th, 2010

Nnamdi my friend, not much i can add to what Cindy stated. I for one are proud to be following you, your posts are informative and a pleasure to read. You certainly are a very good writer, and you should just keep doing what you are doing. This is how social networking should be done in a business envirement, and people can learn alot from you. Great to have you as my contact and friend, and keep up the good work.
 - dawie76 September 11th, 2010

bronnamdi, It has been a real pleasure getting to know you. I just love your posts but I especially enjoy your comments. You do indeed add to this great place called APSense. Cindy
 - cindybolley September 5th, 2010

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 - mrtrabajo September 3rd, 2010

Nice to see you Mr Bronamdi, I think you are really can make friends by seeing your honor points. I am new at apsense.com. Btw,I am from Singapore. If you are interested to promote paid surveys site. You can join free as affiliate at www.sg-surveys.net.
 - sgsurveys September 2nd, 2010

Hello, I am also an internet and affiliate marketer. I advertise for several different websites. I also promote products. I am on this website to make connection with like minded people like myself. Who are out to make money on the internet and are willing to share what they know and I will share any information that I have with them. Feel free to let me know if I can help you with your advertising venture. Lisa
 - lele10000 August 30th, 2010

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Nnamdi A.
Abuja, Nigeria
Someone who View Profile


Business Industry

  • Marketing
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Home & Family
  • Health & Medical
  • Affiliate Marketing
