
Thank you very much Mr. Philippe. You are very good man who is always willing to help the others.
 - angelcho July 23rd, 2011

Philippe is very helpful to newcomers in Apsense. Always willing to help, Phillipe shows positive values to the Apsense community. He is very knowledgeable and a great friend indeed. Have a great day Phillipe!
 - barb2birds July 17th, 2011

Hey Nice work ur doin Phillippe...keep the great work...can you please share the idea how to earn cash money from appsense..thanks karthik
 - haikumark July 13th, 2011

My first testimonial in APsense is for Mr,Phillippe Moisan.He is very active and innovative member in APsense.He is very inspire for all the members in Apsense.His presence in discussion groups is very impressing.
 - webstrategymarketing July 12th, 2011

This is my first testimonial on APSense and it has a reason why I picked this wonderful entrepreneur Mr. Philippe Moisan. He is one heck of a leader, amazing teacher, writes extremely informative articles, records how to videos, this guy is some serious business. The name of the game here is proactive. Always on the move, and you can rest assure he's working already in new things when you're barely trying to keep up with his pace. If you need any mentoring or to follow a leader, this one's is your best bet without a doubt. I am very grateful and honored to be able to call him my friend and the more I connect with him in, the more I keep learning. Onward Mr. Moisan, wish you even more success and greetings from Mexico!
 - sergiofelix July 7th, 2011

Philippe, a man of repute,sincere and trustworthy. One you can rely on any time any day......He is a source of inspiration not only to me but I believe to many here in APSense community.....Philippe you are the Man.
 - capoonyx July 7th, 2011

I want to share this exciting moments that I have had with Philippe. He has inspired me and has given always his 100% and very devoted person. He has helped me lots of time when I was down, just coming on site, I can see his work, he opens my mind to better things in life that I can do with myself. He has a very a very sweet and the smile in his tone that inspires you so much to want to always talk to him. He is very talented and professional in the work he has performed and shown to all of us here especially on APSense. I thank you so much Philippe for being a good friend. Maria
 - summer1955 July 5th, 2011

A.E. as he qualified,Phil A.E. has knowledge of a true teacher but has created and still will create the most teachers in his career.I like his selflessness and humour. Take a dose of his services and you will never stop asking this man for more! I appreciate meeting and having known this man before the 21 May.
 - malok June 30th, 2011

thanks good friend .you must be Guide
 - alyabdo1 June 19th, 2011

Philippe is a very kind hearted person,a joy to be around and a very good friend.Philippe is very knowledgeable and I enjoy learning from him.He exploits professionalism in the field of online business.He is always willing to help where and when needed.I have much respect for Phillipe and admire him and his work.I highly recommend Philippe in any online business endeavour.
 - leeza42 June 17th, 2011

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Philippe Moisan
Quebec, Canada
Someone who View Profile


Business Industry

  • Writing & Speaking
  • Self Improvement
  • Arts & Crafts


Additional Info.

How to Set Up Your APSense Business Center

See Recording of APSense Business Center webinar

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