
One of the best teachers on the Apsense is Phillepe Mosain He extends willing help to everyone,asssiduously educates the newbies for financial freedom, on to the road to Internet Millionnaire par-excellence ! In short span of about one year he has as an expert on Apsense brought a new breeze of fresh air to the ever growing ever evolving Phenomena on the Internet That is APSENSE without a whimper ! He stealthly ,with his very suave manners ,makes a space in the heart of those who come to have a touch with him! I wish him all success in his endeavours
 - vpsmalhotra September 22nd, 2011

Philippe is a quality entrepreneur who's always looking out for the good of others. He observes, gives credit to who credit is due, and is always looking to right the wrongs when he sees them (He's got your back!). A true leader.
 - otoabasiu September 16th, 2011

I do not know Phillippe personally, but I can tell you that He is always available, and I strongly believe that he will answer all of your marketing questions.
 - successwithguy September 15th, 2011

Philippe Moisan is one of the best person that you want to talk and share experience. He is a talented person who helps and share experience to all people. I feel lucky to be able to have him as a friend. Keep up the good work Uncle Philippe
 - babyelepante September 14th, 2011

I first met Philippe Moisan when I joined the APSense family. I was still a wet behind the ear's kind of newbie. I wanted my company to be doing great things. The trouble was that it was not ready yet? I stumbled around with a few things, reading many articles that Philippe had published. I ask questions and followed him around like a lost puppy. (not stocker related) I love to learn and as long as I am learning I am content. Philippe has been gracious enough to help me learn the things I know today. He has guided me and given me a wealth of feedback in growing my business, writing my blog, and learning how to keep a balance. He has never turned anyone down who needed help that I am aware of. He has articles, videos and ebooks that are so very helpful and educational. His brand of mentoring is a lost art. He CARES about people and that is a joy to have in any business relationship. If you are lucky enough to have Philippe Moisan on your side then you have a Treasure to Cherish. PaTricia Fahrendorf, Tanglewood Gifts Emporium
 - pfahrendorf September 6th, 2011

Philippe you have proven to be a consistent writer and provide excellent value and knowledge to everyone here on APSense, I would not hesitate to recommend you to others who are seeking a way forward with online marketing. You are a true inspiration and excellent example for all to follow, Thanks for all your input, Although I have not read every article and post of yours yet, I know from what I have read already you always offer quality content, tips and great recommendations. I am looking forward to reading more of your articles and reviews. Best Regards, Paul
 - mrpgn123 September 6th, 2011

Philippe is a great guy and he seems to really be in the know regarding the text ad exchange and safelist industry.
 - benbrent September 4th, 2011

One of the most prolific and serious people I have connected with on APSense. Great writings and comments. Thanks Philippe
 - guardian1214 September 4th, 2011

I appreciate Philippe very much for his expertise and for his honesty. He is a great point of reference for anyone who seriously wants to develop and implement successful online business.
 - aelle September 1st, 2011

I have read some of his articles. Philippe is a great contributor to APSense, credible and very supportive to other members.
 - paris0821 August 30th, 2011

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Philippe Moisan
Quebec, Canada
Someone who View Profile


Business Industry

  • Writing & Speaking
  • Self Improvement
  • Arts & Crafts


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How to Set Up Your APSense Business Center

See Recording of APSense Business Center webinar

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