Why is Great Customer Experience Crucial to Every eCommerce Business?

Posted by Tech Geekk
Mar 22, 2018
eCommerce businesses all around the globe have come to realize that great customer experience is where the money lies. 89 percent of consumers that have had a poor customer experience are likely to return to the same business in the future. Plus the fact that the customer acquisition cost is 6-7 times more than that of customer retention. Therefore, improving and delivering a more interactive, personalized customer experience is at the core of every eCommerce business strategy. 

Take a look at the following statistics and trends to understand how good eCommerce experience impacts the consumers.

  • 83 percent of online shoppers expect support to accomplish a purchase
  • 89 percent of online shoppers have stopped shopping at stores with which they had a poor customer experience 
  • Online shoppers are 2 times more likely to share a poor customer experience quickly than they are to share their positive customer experiences
  • On an average, it takes 12 positive customer experiences to make one negative customer experience 
  • Some of the major elements of great customer experience include: Issue resolution in a single interaction, fast and friendly customer service, post-inquiry follow up, personalized discounts and offers after an issue resolution, access to help through social media, etc. 
  • 5 percent of online shoppers will pay more for a better customer experience
  • A 10 percent boost in customer retention equals to 30 percent increase in perceived brand value  

These stats prove that the reports of poor customer experience are spread quickly as compared to that of good experience. So, how will you ensure you provide great customer experience through your eCommerce store? Here are a few things you must consider when leveraging eCommerce business development services.

#1 - Improve website navigation (product search):
Shoppers have different needs and therefore, behave differently when they visit your site. They can generally be categorized into three segments, i.e.

  • Shoppers who know what they are looking for – Such shoppers directly start browsing the product they need using the product search bar. Placing the product search strategically helps shoppers find the desired products quickly. You can also include auto product search to enhance customer’s product search experience. 
  • Shoppers who browse through different sites to compare products – You can provide various product sorting options such as brand, color, price, size, etc., to enhance their product search and selection.
  • Shoppers who need support with product filtration – This kind of shoppers normally have a specific requirement with a vague idea of what they are looking for. You can help them by adding product features in the sorting options so the product filtration becomes easier.

#2 - Enable one-click checkout:
Single-click checkout is meant to simplify and speed up the checkout process. There are certain things you can do to accelerate and enhance your traditional, lengthy check out process. 

  • Shopping cart viewing – Make shopping carts easily visible on every page even while shoppers shop around. Use a window pop-up to encourage shoppers to add an item. You can further notify them of the added item to lead them to the check-out window. 
  • Upsell – Present shoppers with the recommended products particularly those that are related to the product they have purchased. This can help you increase upsells. 
  • Multiple payment options – Customers who do not find their preferred payment method on the site will likely drop the purchase. Offering multiple payment methods can boost your conversions and drive more revenue. 

The above-mentioned considerations will help you ensure a great, seamless customer experience for your eCommerce business. If you are aware of the other things one must consider to enhance customer shopping experience, let us know by using the comment box below.
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