Why Integration Testing Is Required?

Posted by Hruska William
Mar 30, 2021

Today every business wants high-performing and high-quality software. For high-quality software proper integration of software modules/components is required. Therefore businesses conduct integration tests to check the integration of software components. Let us now take a close look into what exactly is integration testing and why is it needed.

What is integration testing?

It is a software testing method in which individually tested/unit tested software modules/units/components of the software are combined to ensure that these modules work fine with each other after combining. The main aim of this test is to verify these different modules are fully integrated and communicating as expected.  It also validates the performance, functionality, and reliability of the software modules.

Why is integration testing required?

Below mentioned are some of the reasons why this test should be integrated:

·         To validate the performance, functionality, reliability of integrated modules

·         To enhance the code coverage and to improve the reliability of the tests

·         To identify system-level issues and to  help businesses resolve them at the earliest

·         To identify and resolve issues in the early stage of the software development process

·         To ensure that the modules interact with other APIs and third-party tools as expected

·         To understand the logic implemented by the developer against the requirements

·         To ensure proper integration of all software modules this test is performed

What are the different types of integration testing?

Below mentioned are different types of integration tests:

1.       Big bang approach– In this approach, almost all of the units or major units are combined and tested in one-go. It verifies whether the system works as expected

2.       Incremental testing approach – This approach includes testing a minimum of two related modules. The modules are summed up and tested to make sure that all the modules are merged and tested in a single batch.

3.       Top-down approach – This testing approach includes testing of top unit levels first and then moving to lower unit levels. Stubs, which are a small segment of the code are used to simulate the data response of lower modules until they are completely tested and integrated.

4.       Bottom-up approach– This testing approach includes testing of lower unit levels first and then moving to upper levels. Drivers which simulate the data response of a connecting higher level or parent module is used instead of stub

5.       Hybrid approach - It is the combination of the top-down and bottom-up approach. It allows testing top modules with lower modules and vice versa at the same time. This type of testing ensures better and faster results.

6.       System integration testing - This process includes functionality testing wherein testing is performed to check whether the modules that were combined ensure the correct outcome and are performed by developers and test engineers. Moreover, in system testing, test cases are developed to simulate the interaction between modules. 

Conclusion: Today every business wants quality software therefore businesses conduct a variety of tests before the release of the software. Integration testing is one such software testing practice that helps businesses to ensure that software modules are properly integrated and work as expected. Leverage integration testing from a next-gen QA and software testing services provider to get high-quality software. 

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