Which to choose for nose job: surgical or non-surgical rhinoplasty (nose job)?

Posted by David Harley
Sep 18, 2015
Many of us are unsatisfied with their nose shape. Some may have slight bump or hump or may have a slightly asymmetrical nose which does not go well with the facial features or some may have a crooked nose. But correcting or reshaping all such slight nasal asymmetries brings surgical rhinoplasty in mind which obvisouly is not an option for majority of the people. Until recently, the only option available for nose reshaping and correction was surgical rhinoplasty. But with medical research and advancement in cosmetic treatments, non-invasive rhinoplasty is largely replacing surgical rhinoplasty due to its multiple benefits and fewer side effects.

Surgical vs. Non-surgical nose job (rhinoplasty)

There are many different reasons to choose non-surgical nose job over surgical rhinoplasty or nose job.

  • Duration of procedure: Surgical nose job procedure usually takes 1-3 hours to complete while non-surgical nose job can be performed in 15-30 minutes in a doctors clinic or in outpatient facility. Due to this it is also called ’15-minutes nose job’.

  • Control over outcomes: Surgical rhinoplasty is conducted under the general anaesthesia. The patient remain unconscious during the procedure as it is quite painful and patient cannot monitor the changes in nose shape while in non-surgical nose job patient is fully awake a topical numbing cream is applied over the nose which make the procedure almost painless and the patient can monitor the procedure in the mirror and give feedback to the doctor.
  • Results: surgical rhinoplasty takes long recovery period and the results become clear almost after 3-4 months when the swelling subsides while the results of non-surgical rhinoplasty can be immediately seen after the treatment with minimal swelling or bruising that allows the patients to be self-assured about how they look. It has little or no downtime.
  • Rhinoplasty cost: the surgical rhinoplasty cost is high above the reach of majority of people while non-surgical rhinoplasty cost is quite affordable by many because it is easy, simple and quick procedure which gives highly effective results.
  • Risks: surgical nose job involves the risks associated with any other surgical procedure. It also gives permanent results which are non-reversible which means that if you are not happy with the results you cannot reverse them. On the other hand, non-surgical nose job makes use of dermal fillers which have minimal and temporary side effects including slight bruising and swelling. The results are reversible as dermal fillers can be easily dissolved using enzyme injections if the patient feel unsatisfied with the results.

Though non-surgical rhinoplasty is not permanent and you will need to have a repeat treatment after may be 6-12 months depending on the type of dermal fillers used. One thing important to note is that it is suitable for removing slight asymmetries in the nose but it cannot reduce the size of the nose. So if you are looking for nose reduction then the only option is surgical rhinoplasty.

Despite, this non-surgical rhinoplasty is gaining prominence over surgical rhinoplasty due to its many advantages and specially due to rhinoplasty cost.

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