When is it the Right Time to Replace your Hot Tub Cover?

Posted by Cedar Tubs Direct
Jun 8, 2017

Do you know? the insulating value of the hot tub cover is the biggest factor that minimizes the heating costs? When was the last time you checked your old hot tub or spa cover? If it was long ago, then take a minute and give your hot tub or spa cover a checkup. Do you see the hot tub or spa cover is torn, heavy and brittle? Then now it is the time to for a new cover! Because a dry, dirty, heavy and brittle hot tub or spa cover can crack and affect the heat retention and cleanliness.

If you do not want to let an old cover ruin your hot tubing experience and increase the energy bill, then replace it with a new one.

Let us explore some useful points that give an idea about making a hot tub or spa cover replacement at the right time!

1. Torn Outer Vinyl:

If the vinyl hot tub or spa cover is torn, cracked or brittle, then you should know this can create a lot of issues. Normally a vinyl hot tub or spa cover breakdown affects the heat retention quality, safety, and beauty of your cover. This can also negatively impact the cleanliness of your spa water. You need to understand that a torn or cracked vinyl cannot be repaired easily. In this case, it becomes important to replace with a new one.

2. Straps and Locks:

The straps and locks of your hot tub or spa cover should work in a perfect way, otherwise, it can create safety issues. This makes it important to check the condition of the adjustable tie down straps and locks to ensure these are working fine, otherwise opt for replacing the old hot tub cover with a new one.

3. Bowed or Foam Cores:

Do you have a sagging hot tub or spa cover? Then it indicates broken foam cores, which tells that your cover has gaps in the seal. In this case, you definitely need a new cover.

If your hot tub or spa cover has puddles on it, then it is because of the bowed cores. This will makes things worse over the time and creates in destroying the cover. It will be a wise move to make the replacement and enjoy the benefits of a durable quality hot tub or spa cover.

When you experience sagging, puddling and heaviness issues in your hot tub cover, then it is the right time to make the replacement.

4. Heat Seal Shoes:

The heat seal shoes prevent the heat loss at the hinge by sealing the gap where the two halves of the cover come together. A badly damaged heat seal shoe cannot be repaired or re-stitched, which makes it important for you to opt for a replacement. 

5. Stinky:

Is the hot tub water is stinky or moldy? Then these bad smells are sure indicator that you need a new cover.

If you do not want to allow the old cover to ruin your hot tubing experience, then look out for buying a durable quality and branded hot tub cover. A top quality new hot tub cover will maintain or keep your spa in a top condition.

How to enjoy a convenient purchase?

In this digital age, you can make a convenient and easy purchase by relying on a reputable online store, which offers branded and top quality hot tub covers for sale at the best prices. While buying make sure to keep in mind the requirement, size, style, shape, energy efficient qualities or insulation values and budget to get a top quality and durable hot tub cover.

This article is produced by Cedar Tubs Direct, which is a leading online store and supplier of top quality hot tub covers at reasonable prices.

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