What is shared parenting in Ohio? | Gregg R. Lewis, Esq.

May 20, 2021
In some cases, parents are able to put their differences aside and come up with a shared parenting plan for the court's approval.

Nowadays, Ohio courts generally tend to encourage shared parenting, as children typically benefit from having both parents in their lives as much as possible after the divorce.

Shared Parenting Under Ohio Revised Code, Section 3109.04, shared parenting, or joint custody, allows for both parents to stay involved in the child's life.

In a shared parenting plan agreement, both parents will be deemed 'residential parents' and will share equal ability to make decisions for the child.

As for physical custody, shared parenting does not mean that the child will split his or her time evenly between two parent households.

Courts will consider the income of both parents, the amount of time the child spends with each parent, and the child's needs to determine whether child support is necessary.

Parents looking to establish a shared parenting plan, can start here.

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