What is cow ghee?

Posted by Milkio Foods
Sep 13, 2020

We all love to eat  cow ghee due to its fantastic taste. But what is cow ghee? Ghee is a dairy staple, and as indicated by the name, cow ghee is prepared from cow milk. Cows on the grass and grass-based fodder around the year are known as the grass-fed cow and milk produced from these cows is classified as grass-fed milk.


Ghee or clarified butter is loaded with saturated fats. It is a high-calorie dairy staple and that is one of the reasons, overeating ghee can be harmful to the body. It is calculated that an adult with general health can have a maximum of 3-4 teaspoons of cow ghee per day, either in cooking or in tea or coffee in the morning at the time of breakfast. Moderation is one of the pre-requisites you have to follow if you want to enjoy the ghee benefits.

What is cow ghee?

Cow ghee is made from pure cow milk. After collecting cow milk, it is churned to make butter. Usually unsalted butter is used to make ghee. The butter is then heated in a slow cooking process so that the milk proteins  get eliminated. The slow cooking process eliminates lactose and casein from milk. After boiling it is  cooled down, so that the impurities get  separated. In the next part, the ghee is skimmed to separate the pure golden fat which is pure cow ghee.


Cow ghee Benefits

Cow ghee is a dairy delicacy, which is used in the kitchen as well as in making medicines in Ayurveda. So the answer to the question, what is cow ghee is an extensive one. Here are some health benefits of ghee.

  1. It is a natural product, which can be used as safe cooking oil, a taste enhancer, an immunity booster, a nutritious pantry staple which words as a healthy substitute to butter. 

  2. Because of the butyrate content of cow ghee, it works as a natural laxative and a remedy for constipation. 

  3. The saturated fat present in ghee enables one to have cow ghee benefits for the brain. 

  4. The fat-soluble vitamins in ghee make it possible for you to have the best of bone development and stamina.

  5. Ghee is rich in good fats which keeps hair shiny and skin soft and glowing.

  6. Ghee offers protection from cancer due to its antibacterial properties.

  7. The fat in cow ghee is mainly omega 3 and omega 9 making it ideal to have a perfect heart and clog free arteries.

  8. The healthy fats along with CLA  helps in healthy weight loss if coupled with some exercise.

  9. Ghee is also a rich source of oil-soluble vitamins A,  D,K and E. 

Want to use a quality assured organic grass fed cow milk made pure ghee? Try Milkio traditional organic ghee. Milkio Ghee is produced from 100% grass fed cow milk and it is certified as organic by BioGro, New Zealand.

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