What if Dogs Could Drive?

Posted by Ashley Mills
Jan 4, 2016

If you have a pet dog, at some point you’ve probably wished he could drive so you didn’t have to. Imagine a world in which dogs could drive.  If your dog could drive, you’d be able to sit in the back seat and be chauffeured around, maybe reading a book or taking a nap. Some things would be different, others would stay the same.

Car Styles

Basic car styles would remain the same. Saint Bernards would drive ambulances and fire trucks to provide emergency and rescue services. Wolfhounds would drive large work trucks and SUV’s while the various Mastiff breeds would drive large work vans and tractor trailers. German shepherds would drive mid-sized SUV’s for work and style and Labrador Retrievers with their rugged practicality would drive the smaller styles of pickup truck. A French Poodle would drive a high end 4-door sedan such as Mercedes or BMW, but larger terrier breeds would drive a simpler American made 4-door.

Additionally, there would still be a market for sports cars as Greyhounds love to go fast. Yorkies would want a stylish small car, perhaps a Mini-Cooper, and Chihuahuas would drive a small electric car. Many of the common mid-sized mixed breeds would fill the roads with the Accords and Camry’s that are so common already.

Car Design

Although the basic car styles would remain the same, some basic designs would have to change to allow for doggie drivers. First, the basic steering wheel design would have to change to accommodate the fact dogs can’t grip it because they don’t have thumbs. Most notably, every car and truck would be convertible and wouldn’t have windows so a dog can feel the freedom of wind on his face while driving down the road. Obviously, there wouldn’t be cup holders but water dishes instead and rather than ashtrays the car would have a small treat dispenser.

Driving Styles

Driving styles would in some ways be better and in other ways worse than what you’re currently familiar with. Expectedly, some cars would drive a bit over the speed limit and others more slowly. You would never have to listen to the annoyingly loud bass line of another driver’s radio because without thumbs dogs aren’t able to turn up the volume. Some drivers would tap the horn as needed, making a quick “woof” to alert another driver whereas some drivers would lay on the horn constantly, making either a long shrill howling noise or an extended deep growl.

Traffic Patterns

Traffic patterns would vary just as much as they currently do, although some of the variations may be different than your current expectations of other cars on the road. Some dogs would drive straight to their destination and some would take the scenic route; other dogs would always know a “shortcut” down back roads that actually takes longer than driving the known main road route. Tailgating would be prominent so each driver could smell the exhaust and rear end of the car in front of them. U-turns would also be more common so each driver could switch places as the chaser and chasee of other drivers on the road and drivers would perform “donut” maneuvers if they see their own tail in the rearview mirror.

Online Traffic School

Consider enrolling in an Online Traffic School course to learn about these and other driving behaviors in order to become a more defensive and safer driver. The school can help reduce penalties for traffic tickets, lower insurance rates for drivers in some states, or fill requirements for people first attempting to receive their license. If the first two apply to your situation, check with your insurance agent or attorney to see if the Online Traffic School may be beneficial.


If dogs could drive, the world may be a safer place. Dogs have the intelligence required, but not the attention span. Then again, half the drivers on the road don’t have the necessary attention span for safe driving while some dogs can focus on the same activity for hours on end. The Online Traffic School teaches defensive driving techniques so you can safely handle situations caused by unsafe drivers who may be on the road around you.
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