Posted by Usman Raza
Feb 19, 2018

Snoring is the rough or coarse sound that comes while you are sleeping. When you sleep, the muscles of your throat and mouth relax. These muscles include soft palate, tongue and tissues in the throat. Due to this relaxation, the airway becomes narrow. As a result, the air blows more forcefully, which causes vibration of these tissues, making the sound of snoring.


The process of snoring is clearly stated above. But what causes this process to initiate? There are a number of reasons behind this phenomenon. Here we will be discussing a few of them.

The anatomy of one’s mouth plays a major role in snoring. If the soft palate or the tissues of the throat are low, chances of snoring increase.

•Blockage of nasal cavity causes accumulation of mucus, causing difficulty in breathing. This forces the air to pass through the airway, resulting in snoring.

•Obese people and pregnant women suffer from extra tissue, narrowing the airway, resulting in snoring.

•Enlarged tonsils, large adenoids, or low and thick soft palates, which are genetic, increase the chance of snoring.

•Sleep deprivation cause people to progress in deep sleep, creating loud snoring.

•Smoking, intake of alcohol and drugs cause muscle relaxation unnaturally, resulting in snoring.

•Aging causes hanging of muscles including soft palate, resulting in snoring.


There are a number of ways that can be adapted to stop snoring. Here we have stated a few:

•Sleeping on your back increases the chances of snoring, causing your muscles to relax at the most. Try sleeping on your sides.

•Clear mucus from your nasal cavity before going to bed. Saline water may be helpful in this. In case of allergies, try taking anti-allergy after talking to your doctor.

•If you feel that obesity might be the cause of your snoring, try shedding some weight. The tissues fatten due to weight gain, narrowing the airway, resulting in snoring. Loss of weight might help you with your snoring.

•Stop taking alcohol and drugs. Stop smoking if you are a chain smoker. This will decrease the unnatural relaxation of your muscles, which will be helpful with your snoring problem.

•Maintain a good night sleep apena on a daily basis. Try your best to stay away from sleep deprivation. The more you maintain a healthy sleeping routine, the more chances are to overcome this problem.

•Try to analyze the cause behind your case and work on it. If you feel that you are unable to overcome this issue, go to your doctor and discuss your problem with him. He might be able to identify the cause behind your snoring and if he is unable to do so, ask him to prescribe you a device specifically designed for this purpose. There are a number of devices available in the market for curing your problem.

It is now your part to identify the cause behind your snoring problem and work on it to overcome it.

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