Want Hair Ltd – The Best Hair Loss Treatment Clinic for Women in London, UK

Posted by Alex Smith
Sep 28, 2020

A head full of beautiful, healthy & natural Hairs had been a part of beauty statements for women for over the last 30,000 years. Over the centuries, the prevailing trend of various hairstyles had been flaunted by women with growing confidence. Due to the demand for healthy and beautiful hairs among women, the importance of hair loss treatment has risen eventually along with the advanced techniques for permanent hair loss solution. (Information Credit: https://wanthair.co.uk/hair-loss/female-hair-loss)


Unlike male pattern hair loss, certain health conditions lead to hair-thinning & tremendous hair-loss among females. Some of the common conditions include thyroid disorders, pregnancy, anaemia, autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome, skin conditions, and more. The main cause of hair loss in adult women is called female androgenic alopecia which leads to gradual hair thinning and requires advanced hair-loss treatment before it’s too late.


The period is considered as one of the major causes of women's hair loss as well. During the phase of menopause, the hair loss tendency accelerates like anything. There exists an extensive list of matters which drive the hair loss tendency for women. The recent pandemic culprit, Coronavirus also has played a pivotal role in damaging the hair, especially for women. Alyssa Milano, one of the leading actresses of Hollywood recently disclosed that she had suffered hair loss due to the attack of Coronavirus. Actress Kristina Davis also reported a similar case after she encountered a Coronavirus attack. 


As per the reports of NHS, more than 50% of women, especially around the age bracket of 60 to 70, tend to suffer hair loss problems frequently. There is an invisible hand of a plethora of factors that directly influence the hair loss factor. In this article, an extensive list of these factors will be provided along with the solution.


Female Hair Loss Driving Factors 


As stated earlier, there exist plenty of factors that drive & accelerate hair loss among women. Some of the major factors that lead to female hair loss are mentioned below:




Genetics is an important part that influences the skin & hair pattern of a human being. It has a wide variety. By nature, genetics can be classified as good or bad. In case, a woman is inherited with Bad Genetics, then Hair Loss Tendency can be termed as a natural phenomenon for that particular woman. To resolve this genetic problem, there is a common tendency to use Minoxidil. But, this medicine gives a temporary solution to the Hair Loss problem. If a person stops this medicine, the Hair Loss frequency tends to extend exponentially.




Nowadays, every woman tries to maintain slim and athletic physic. For that, many women tend to prioritize diet above all factors. Well, a healthy diet plan is good for everyone and will not harm what so ever. But, an unhealthy diet can damage healthy very badly. It can rapidly initiate the hair fall process. Unhealthy & Poor diet charts lack protein as well as nutrition. If such kind of diet is continued for a long period, it can severely damage health. Before implementing a diet, it is necessary to take the advice of a doctor. A doctor can help the concerned person with proper advice.


Unnecessary Experiment on Hair


Sometimes women tend to over-process their hair and have a common tendency to tighten the same. According to many women, this type of hairstyle separates them from the mass and equips them with a glossy style. However, the consequence of such an act is quite severe. The roots of the hair get weakened. As a result, hair fall increases to an exorbitant rate. It is always advisable to avoid such kind of experiment on hair.


Child Birth Factor 


After giving birth to a child, many women have experienced a rapid hair loss problem. The major level behind such kind of hair loss is the change in levels of hormones. In fact, after completion of the childbirth process, the level of the hormone may increase or decrease in a significant manner. It is better to take the help of an experienced doctor if such kind of situation occurs. Don’t ignore such type of hair fall. Otherwise, in the future, the situation may get worse. 


In the world, every disease has a possible cure. It is necessary to figure out the right doctor. An experienced doctor will be able to provide customized treatment as well as advice as per the situation. Want Hair Ltd is a leading name in the field of hair treatment as well as transplantation. The experienced team of Want Hair will close diagnose the decease before offering a solution. Hair is indeed delicate stuff and every person on earth tries to preserve it at the cost of anything. 


Unfortunately, the market is filled-up with faulty medicines. Such medicines come with the promise of complete reformation of hair at a cheaper price. These types of medicines are promoted by some tricky advertisements - which are intended to seek quick money from the sufferer. However, such medicines may permanently damage the hair of individuals - so it is advised to avoid such type of traps. Only an experienced doctor can solve the hair loss problem effectively. 

In case of any kind of hair loss, it is recommended to go for a consultation with experienced doctors at Want Hair Ltd. It provides a wide range of treatments, such as Beard Transplant, Eyebrow Transplant & PRP Hair Therapy. The doctors are recognised by The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). Moreover, the treatments are not costly at all. Want Hair Ltd offers the best treatment across the UK at the best market price. So, don’t get scared by the hair fall. It is indeed a curable decease. With the help of proper & experienced, any kind of hair loss problem can be dealt with ease & comfort. Moreover, such kind of hair treatment can offer beautiful & thick hair for the rest of life. So, grab the opportune moment and talk to the experts of Want Hair today. 

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