Understanding the Misunderstood Concept of Homeopathy

Posted by Francine Kanter
Feb 17, 2021

While many people think of homeopathy as nothing more than a placebo, the personal experiences of millions of patients around the world tell a different story. For many people, homeopathy helped them when orthodox medicine failed.

Why is it then that many people do not think of homeopathy as an actual form of medicine? The answer lies in their understanding of the concept of homeopathy, in that they don’t.

If you think you don’t know much about homeopathy, it pays to look at the concept of homeopathy to understand what this form of alternative medicine is, how it works and why it is returning to the limelight.

Homeopathy uses small quantities of pharmaceutically formulated substances from plants, animals, and minerals to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself from within. Whether we talk about a homeopathic remedy for a kidney infection or a homeopathic remedy for eczema, they are all based on strict adherence to the law of similars established in the early 1800s by a German physician named Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.

Widely regarded as the father of homeopathy, Hahnemann noted in his scholarly efforts that when a toxic substance is diluted to a microscopic level, its toxic properties are antidoted, leaving only the therapeutic properties behind. 2500 years earlier, the Greek physician Hippocrates also noticed the parallel interaction between the toxic substance and its therapeutic potential.

Hahnemann’s hypothesis has been produced in repeated experiments worldwide, making his theory enter the realm of scientific or biological law. This is the foundation on which homeopathy is built.

Homeopathy in Ormond Beach represents a model of excellence. With a nod to its storied past, homeopathy can lead us into the future of medicine with intelligent and profound principles and laws.

The next time you find someone who does not understand the concept of homeopathy, make sure you educate them.

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