Types of Grease Lubrication Systems and Advantages of Multiline Lubricators

Grease lubrication systems are an important part of industrial machineries; they prolong the usability and operational life of the greased parts. An automatic grease lubrication system ensures timely release of lubricants as per preset timers or responds to pressure changes within the system, triggering release. These systems are designed to minimize the gradual wearing down of the system parts through natural frictional forces. Lubrication systems can be manual or automatic; for industrial purposes, automatic systems are prevalent as there is minimum human intervention required. Four types of automatic lubrication systems are discussed below for reference.
Single Line Lubrication:
The single line lubrication system is modular in nature and can be scaled according to the requirement. This system uses hydraulic pressure for moving the oil and grease evenly around the machinery. It can be set to transfer variable amounts of lubricants as per requirements of the different parts. This system is best suited for small to medium-sized machineries like those used in textile or printing industries.
Progressive Single Line Lubrication:
The progressive lubrication systems use a timer to control the application of lubricants to different parts of the machines. There is a single filling and distribution point which can deliver oil or grease up to a maximum of 150 different areas. The metering piston controls the flow of lubricants in this automatic grease lubrication system and it is suitable for medium machineries, like those in industrial presses or wind turbines.
Dual Line Lubrication:
Suitable for larger systems, dual line systems can control the oil or grease flows at more than one point for timely lubrication. Depending upon hydraulic pressure, this system can be configured according to the needs of the machinery. There are multiple metering devices for controlling the flow of lubricants in this setup.
Automatic Lubrication:
This system is useful for precise lubrication in complex systems where a certain quantity of lubricant is required at regular intervals. Single point or motorized multiline grease lubricators can be used depending on the number of greasing or oiling points.
Advantages of Multiline Lubrication System:
i) Delivery of lubricants is dependent upon minor internal pressure changes, thus increasing efficiency and precision
ii) Being pressure-driven through augur pumps, motorized multiline grease lubricators are reliable even for longer delivery systems like pipe networks and allows progressive feeding also
iii) The lubricant quantity and delivery intervals can be precisely controlled, leading to increased efficiency
iv) Depending upon the requirement, such systems can be partially operated also, saving power and resources
v) The motor-driven units of the dispensing systems are reusable; only the ball bearings and power supply need periodic replacements