Try Ketamine IV Therapy In Palo Alto For Treatment-Resistant Depression

Posted by PRC Agency
Mar 24, 2023
Try Ketamine IV Therapy In Palo Alto For Treatment-Resistant Depression

If you or a loved one suffers from depression, you know that asking for help is often the hardest step to dealing with the problem.

First you've got to overcome the cultural stigma which sadly still surrounds mental health. Admitting there is a real problem, accepting that you need help and accessing quality are all barriers which make finding the right treatment feel overwhelming.

Then there's the debilitating nature of the disorder itself which can often make it feel that just getting up in the morning is impossible. How can you research your options, make appointments, talk to healthcare professionals when something as routine as taking a shower can consume your entire energy reserves for the day?

Depression changes people: it changes relationships; it makes everything harder. If you’ve watched a loved one - your partner, your friend, your child - struggle to pull themselves up and out towards the hope of something, anything, that will make life more manageable for them, it can be soul-destroying to witness that when those antidepressants do come, they change nothing. Things may even get worse.

To have climbed that mountain with them, only to discover that they’re slipping away at the summit… To find that the long-awaited help simply does not help. That’s hard. You’re left feeling helpless too. What else can you do? Where else can you turn?

Thankfully, scientists have found that there may be a new way to approach depression which remains resistant to antidepressant treatments: ketamine therapy.

Read about how ketamine treatments may help where antidepressants have had limited success at

What is ketamine therapy?

Dr. Sara Herman, MD, founder of Soft Reboot Wellness, administers ketamine through an intravenous (IV) infusion in a calm, safe, clinical setting. The drug has long been used as an anesthetic in operating rooms. However, a growing body of scientific research has shown that, in low doses, ketamine can calm the mind and offer the brain a chance to ‘reboot’.

A comprehensive resource in response to frequently asked questions about ketamine therapy can be found at

How does it work?

Traditional depression treatment operates by inhibiting the reuptake of monoamines such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which helps improve communication between brain cells, explains Soft Reboot Wellness. While effective for most, it can lead to significant side effects, including mood changes. Ketamine therapy, however, restores the neurotransmitter, glutamate, and its receptors which increases the production of brain proteins, thus building stronger connections and reversing the damage to synapses.

The novel way in which ketamine affects the brain means that it can be effective in patients where antidepressants have had limited or no effect. It offers what those familiar with the isolating nature of depression need most: hope.

About Soft Reboot Wellness

Soft Reboot Wellness’s state-of-the-art facility is located in Menlo Park, California, and serves the wider Silicon Valley and Bay Area. They provide IV ketamine therapy and holistic support services under the center’s founder Dr. Sara Herman, MD, a Harvard-trained, board-certified anesthesiologist.

Discover more about Soft Reboot’s IV ketamine therapy available in the Silicon Valley and Bay Area at

Soft Reboot Wellness 825 Oak Grove Ave # A101, Menlo Park, California 94025, United States Website
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