Truth about Health Drink Supplements

Posted by Pooja's blog
Oct 30, 2017

There are some things on a need to know concerning nutritional and health supplements sold on the market today. You will see the overwhelming number of health drinks when you visit the health food store. It is hard to figure out which to choose from the different supplements ranging from the nutritional supplement to the dizzying assortment of dietary supplements. From weight loss pills to vitamins to minerals, you have thousands of options to make a choice from. However, do we really need these supplements? Do they work?

Who Needs Dietary Supplements?

It is essential not to forget that the purpose of dietary supplements is not to replace your nutritious foods but to supplement your diets. Supplements provide a form of enhancement for your diet in the event of shortfalls. According to a doctor, "Foods are so complex, offering not only vitamins and minerals, but fiber, nutrients(carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), phytochemicals, and a whole host of nutritious substances that science has not fully identified that work together with other foods and provide the benefits of a healthy eating pattern."

So who are those who really require supplements? They include people having an intolerance or food allergies, vegetarians, nursing mothers, and Pregnant women. Beside this, people with diseases such as cardiovascular, cancer, bone or kidney disease may need supplements.

Important Supplement

Multivitamins: The consumption of multivitamin and mineral is nutritious in covering any form of dietary shortfalls. It doesn’t have any damage when you consider taking it daily but this must be based on your sex and age.

Meal Replacements: Liquid and powdered products such as Ensure and Slimfast are also included as part of diet supplement in spite of the notion that people have concerning them. These products are alternative for those who because of illnesses cannot eat regularly.



Sports Nutrition Supplements: When we talk about sports supplements, it includes weight loss and sports performance supplements. These include formulas powders, pills, and drinks formulated to hydrate your body and help in the enhancement of your physical activities. Such supplements include fat burners, protein formulas, amino acids, and creatine.

According to scientific research, there is some evidence that dietary supplements are beneficial for people with health conditions and the maintenance of health. For instance, folic acid will help pregnant women because it helps in reducing the risk of certain kind of birth defects. For postmenopausal women, vitamin D and calcium are needed to help in reducing bone loss and building strong bones.

Author’s Bio

Lilian Frank, a health nutritionist expound on some of the Pediatrician recommended Health Drink Supplements for kids and the importance, especially for underweight children. 

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