Trademark Class 23 for Yarns and Threads
we know, Trademark registration gives companies to claim full control of their
unique brand name and guards facing misuse and violation. With trademark
registration, one can surely expand business brands. Trademark Application is
categorized under 45 different classes which are based on the nature of the
trading activity. In this article, we will discuss Trademark Class 23 which
relates to the Yarns and Threads
about Trademark
trademark can be a slogan, logo, design, and mixture of colours or shapes, etc.
and that indicates the uniqueness of a brand or the stock and differentiates it
from competitors. It is a globally identified trademark is the most significant asset of a business.
of Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration is compulsory for
many reasons such as –
- A unique Brand logo is the most consistent asset of any business.
- Consumers can quickly understand your product or services easily.
- Defend your brand logo from abuse or duplication by others.
- Also, make your company,
commodities, and services stand out.
Required For Trademark Registration
- Brand logo Logo needed in jpeg or png format which you want to protect through trademark registration.
- Nature of business you have to present a brief description of the business activity you’re carrying out under the brand logo which you want to protect with trademark registration. It is required to distinguish a correct class of trademark.
- Citizenship Proof of applicant Anyone Uniqueness proof document of trademark applicant required such as Aadhar, passport, driving license.
- Address Of Applicant Complete Address of the
candidate of the Trademark is required to be furnished for Trademark
Class 23- Yarns and Threads