Top Tips to Manage Acne at Home

Posted by Kara Sherwood
Mar 22, 2023
Acne is a common skin condition in which the sebaceous (oil) glands at the base of hair follicles become infected and inflamed. Places on the body with the most sebaceous glands, like the face, the back, chest and neck, are the most common acne breakout areas.

Genetics, hormones, stress, diet, skin care products, and makeup can cause acne. It can also be worsened by excessive sun exposure without sunscreen or skin care practices that are too aggressive for your skin type.

Luckily, with the right treatment and management strategies, you can help manage your breakouts. This article takes a deep dive into what causes acne, and its different types and offers some tips to manage it.

Acne: Causes and Common Types

The first signs of puberty are accompanied by the production of androgen hormones. These hormones can cause the expansion of the sebaceous glands. When the sebaceous glands are enlarged, they produce more sebum, an oily substance that moisturises your skin.

However, excess sebum, germs, and dead skin cells can block hair follicle pores and lead to acne.

Acne may be influenced by a wide variety of things, such as:


Common types of acne include:


7 Tips to Manage Acne

Infected zits should be treated quickly before the infection spreads to the surrounding skin, as inflammatory cysts from infected skin sometimes leave a scar.
Several acne medications are available without a prescription at drugstores and grocery stores, which can help remove dirt and oil from the skin. A doctor might also prescribe additional medicine for acne, especially if you suffer from a severe form of acne like cystic acne.

If you suffer from acne, what steps can you take to treat it in the comfort of your own home? Here are seven tips from the experts:

1. Keep your skin clean
Using a gentle cleanser and warm water, wash your face twice daily, and a soft towel to pat dry. Avoid hot water and scrubbing your face too vigorously because it can irritate your skin. Scrubbing can cause tiny skin tears, leading to more swelling, redness, and inflammation.

2. Keep your hands away from your face
Think about everything you touched today, starting with your phone. Now think of all the places you put your phone down. And finally, think about the germs you are transferring to your face when you touch it, whether with your hands or when pressing your phone to your face. The bacteria and dirt we pick up on our hands throughout the day can clog our pores and cause breakouts. Avoid touching your face when possible, and switch to wireless headsets when taking calls.

3.Use gentle cleansers
Use only products designed for sensitive skin or those labelled non-comedogenic (meaning they don't clog pores). It's also best not to use soap on your face because it can dry your skin and make it more prone to breakouts. Instead, opt for a mild cleanser designed specifically for acne-prone skin or follow up with an alcohol-free toner.

4. Avoid picking at pimples and blackheads 
Avoid picking at pimples and blackheads — especially if they're inflamed or infected. If you notice any new blemishes or bumps on your face, resist the urge to pop them! Doing so could worsen the situation by making it easier for bacteria to spread and worsen your acne.

5. Take steps to reduce stress and anxiety
Stress can irritate the body, which can lead to breakouts. Taking a few moments to take a few deep breaths and meditate and help you bring peace to your body. Alternatively, you may also try enrolling in a yoga class to help you relax. However, if you are still having trouble calming down, a counsellor or therapist may be able to suggest stress management techniques.

6.Eat a well-balanced diet
Eating well will not only help you stay healthy, but will also keep your skin clear by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to detoxify naturally. Foods rich in antioxidants can help prevent the formation of free radicals in the body — one of the main causes of acne breakouts — so make sure you’re eating plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables daily!

7. Change your makeup
Cosmetics containing alcohol can dry out your skin. Avoid harsh products like astringents and exfoliants because they can make acne worse by irritating the skin. Use non-comedogenic makeup and moisturisers instead of creams or lotions that contain alcohol or fragrance because these ingredients can trigger breakouts in some people.

To keep your pores from being clogged up with oils or powder, choose water-based and oil-free products. Before going to bed, it's important to remove any traces of makeup.

Takeaway: Talk to A Doctor to Help Treat Acne Today!

Although mild to moderate acne can easily be managed at home, when your acne is severe or long-lasting, it's important to talk to a doctor about treatment options that are right for you.

Whether you're looking for an online prescription or an online doctor's appointment, there are plenty of ways to contact your doctor without leaving home.

Online doctor’s appointments are quick and easy, allowing you to discreetly seek the expertise of a doctor without having to head to a clinic.

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