Top digital marketing training institute in Delhi

Posted by Manoj Singh Rathore
May 29, 2019
How they run today we are going to create an art book and we will use the skills that we have learned in the previous lectures. Do database skills that I'm talking about. So within this app think of ideas like this. So our user wanders around within an art gallery and then they see a digital marketing course very good picture. They take a picture of the painting Kate and they saved the painting image and the name in their database so that they can reach later on.
So do users solve the starry night and take a picture of the painting and saved the painting in the database so that they can reach later on from these lists. And if they want to add another one they can just click on the digital marketing training institute in delhi menu here at art and ask some inputs from the user. First of all, they will have to give a name OK to the painting. And if they tap to select where it will take the user to the photo library here.

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OK, so they can choose some photos and save them. So this is a very cool application you can use as a base for your projects similar to this. And we will learn things like here. We don't have to save them.
  • And if you want to add the activity new art you have to save digital marketing training institute them even though we are using the same activity and we will see the usage of menus and much more. So let's start on the project called Koplin art book.
  • Then click on next-next empty activity OK and finish it and let the studio do its thing. And for the first activity actually, we won't have much. We only have a list view right. And this is where we will display the digital marketing training institute to the user list of the previously saved locations.
  • So all we have to do is actually going to lay out from here low activity main go to design. And let's get rid of this hello world. And search for lists. Let's find the list you and drag and drop here. Now I have a list view I have to do some ID so give with an ID list.
  • You would like to be OK. And now I'm ready to give some constraints. Oh, do it just stretch to the edges. You have to. To the constraints anyway. Now I'm actually ready to add a menu to my project. But this menu will take my user to another activity. Right.
  • So go here. I'm not here actually click right again and say a new activity gallery and choose another activity. So this will digital marketing training institute be the main to activity in which my users will supply me with their painting names and painting images.

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I have now two layouts two activities. The next thing to do is add a menu to the main activity so that users can tap on the menu and go to the main activity main to activity here Kate. So see guys in the next lecture. So how do we do it in 
digital marketing training institute resources directory we have to create a new directory. OK. And we have to call it man.
  1. So after you create your menu directory go to your main directory unselected and right-click on this directory and say Neil then you will see that a new option appears many resource files so for these your resource file.
  2. I will say the file name will be adding art. We then underscore and it will create that kind of fun as a mouse file for me and it looks kind of my layout right. But instead of layout, it will create my menu so I will work with them.
  3. Text Editor because it's easier to do than your work with menus so you have to type item. And if you click on space it will give you digital marketing training institute your options and we have to define two things. One is ID OK and the ID is shown with this syntax.
  4. It's already autocompleting for me and for ID I will say at r time again. And if you click on space another thing that we should define is the title and for Title I will say.

Art and as you can see it already appeared in the design section here. If you click on the angler parentheses angler brackets will just create our menu for us. So under the resource file, we managed to create our menu. Now we need to connect this file to our main activity right. In order for that to happen, we need to overwrite two functions. Actually, So go over your coding section and under on create 
digital marketing training institute but not insides and don't create function but we will just write another function write for on creating options menu K at full autocomplete for you as you can see and we have to write this function so I will define a menu. Inflator.
It will be made to inflator and as you can see this is already a built-in function and if you just. The main inflator dot inflates will ask you which menu you want to inflate. K so we have to give the resource ID of our menu. So how do we do it? Our dot menu doubts at art right. So the Second's input is the menu and we refer the override functions inputs of the menu here just right made. Ans now we connected the are to a menu with our main activity. All we have to do now is to explain what will happen if someone chooses his men and this is another function.
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