Top 4 Benefits of Early Childhood Education

Posted by Emma L.
Apr 11, 2019

Let’s face it, for young children each new experience presents an earning opportunity. At a very young age, they are able to both learn and acquire knowledge. Making this one of the most important periods of their lives. And it is up to the parents to monitor and decide in which direction they want that learning process to go. Especially because the knowledge they gain in this period of their life is going to be essential for shaping their character later on in life. So, having a clear plan regarding your child’s early childhood education can really prove to be quite beneficial. And here’s why!

Socialization and social skill development

This is one of the biggest benefits of early childhood education. Having the opportunity to spend time with other kids, learn how to interact through different activities and games is important for helping your child develop social skills that will help them develop into a well-rounded individual later on in life. Australian parents are quite aware of this, and they take the time to find the right facility for their children, like the renowned early learning centre in Hurstville, where their kids can not only learn based on a curriculum which aligns with the Australian EYLF Framework but also spend time in modern, state-of-the-art facilities. It is learning centers like this that provide the best starting point for young learners. The children get to spend time with their peers while participating in a series of carefully planned activities that will enhance their knowledge and environmental awareness.

Attention span improvement

Now, kids are naturally very curious, and what to explore the world around them. And they don’t always choose the way they do it, whether it's by touching something, tasting it or simply observing. What might show up as a particular problem is how long they stay interested in just one thing. At an early age, their attention span is quite short. The best way to improve this aspect is by finding a balance between their ability to listen, to participate in group tasks, follow directions, and work independently, all of these can have a great positive effect on helping your child develop concentration and focus which in return can prolong their attention span and help them become better students later on.

Working on their emotional resilience

When we take into consideration the world we currently live in, and where our children will be growing up in, the importance of emotional resilience cannot be stressed enough. People are constantly being attacked for their life choices, be it something as simple as fashion to something life changing as who they choose to love. Emotional resilience development needs to start at a very early age, and it might sound harsh as we want to cradle and protect them for as long as we can, but that can do more harm than good. Recent research has shown that children who attend childcare at age 2-3 are more likely to be attentive and better able to deal with their emotions when they start school. Learning how to react to both positive and negative interactions with their peers can help them form better as individuals, and become better adjusted to the world around them so that they can be able to handle the social challenges that come later on in their education.

Learning, I’m lovin’ it!

Finally one of the biggest benefits of early childhood education is the development of the love for learning in young children. It is the period when they turn their natural curiosity into something more. By inspiring them to gain more knowledge, and rewarding their efforts, we can help them view learning as something positive that will help them achieve more in life, rather than an obligation put in their path for the sole purpose of preventing them from having a good time. This is that short window in time that we get to shape their approach to learning and obtaining knowledge, and there is no better way than letting them get the right early childhood education.

So there you have it, the four main benefits of early childhood education. Naturally, there are numerous other you can take into consideration. Just make sure that you take the time, just like Australian parents and choose the best possible learning center for your child.

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