Tips to use instagram stories

Posted by Owen Oliver
May 17, 2021

Did you know that you can make your Instagram photos into viral videos? It's easier than you think. All you need is a few simple tools and the ability to follow through on the things your followers tell you to do. Once you have those two down, the rest of this process should take care of itself. If you want to learn how to use Instagram to market to your followers, then read on.

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Instagram Stories is easy to make. All you have to do is upload your Instagram photo to the site, along with a short descriptive story about it. Videos can be a little more difficult to make, but you can use the tools available to make the experience as easy as possible. Music can really spice up your Instagram video, so invest in some high-quality background music if you aren't comfortable doing so on your own. The main difficulty will come from convincing your audience to watch your video. You want to make them want to see your story, not just view an image of what you looked at while you ate your lunch.


Another important part of making a successful Instagram video is that you must choose the right images. Don't pick boring celebrities to use as your followers. Everyone has their own reasons for following someone, and none of those reasons are relevant to your business. Instead, try to pick images that appeal to your followers in some way.


One great tip is to think about how you would want to be marketed by posting your Instagram story. Do you want people to comment on it or share it on their wall? Are you looking for a viral marketing campaign or do you just want to give people something interesting to look at? Once you figure out which scenario you are working toward, you can focus your efforts on the best route for you.


As your followers comment and share your picture, the more important your story becomes. Start by sharing interesting bits of information about your life. If you have a blog, make sure you add links to it in your caption. If you don't have one yet, start one today! It will help you generate interest in your page more quickly.


You don't have to use text. Use the photos you take yourself and explain what those photos mean to you. This is a great way to draw attention to your page without actually saying anything. Keep your story short and sweet, no more than 160 characters, and people should be able to tell what it is right away.


Don't forget the key component to your Instagram story: the bio. This is what people will read about you in a small amount of time. Make it interesting but keep it short and to the point. People love to read long stories about the same person or the same location as they do cute ones with lots of personalities.


One of the best tips to use Instagram stories is to have fun with them. Don't use real-life pictures (especially if you're one of those people who's been snapped at the grocery store) and don't use your actual home or place of work. That's too much information. Keep everything creative and just be yourself. Once you get more comfortable with the platform, you can start sharing photos on a much greater scale and with more people. It might also help to post some photos from your actual places so people can see how beautiful those locations are.

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