Tips To Select The Best Multi Cooker In Singapore.
With the developing technology, the kitchen utensils or daily used products have been also upgraded, and the Electric rice cooker is an important one. In this, we have outlines Best Multi Cooker Singapore which you must have in your home.
What makes the best rice cooker?
Cuckoo is a leading household product manufacturing
brand in Singapore, and you might even use the appliance of this company. So,
what makes a rice cooker best in the market, let us find out.
- Smart Algorithm Feature: Over 30 years of research, the
designers in Cuckoo have created a rice cooker that performs a smart
algorithm to find the power and pressure level of the cooker to suit the
perfect cooking of any dish. Over 300 recipes have been created by this
cooker so far.
- Pressure Cooking: This is the world’s first rice cooker to
have a 200 kPA of power to reduce the 70% of the time and the energy used
while cooking. It also keeps the food hot and heats evenly the food, which
helps the nutrients to stay and it preserves the original flavour of the
food. The high temperature also kills the bacteria, or any micro-organisms
present in the food.
- 3D Heating Technology: This new technology heats the
food by radio frequency which is present at the bottom of the pot. This
heats the food more evenly and 20% quicker.
- Special Coating Technology: This special coating is called
SKFLON coating and this prevents the food from being contaminated from
harmful substances. It also prevents the sticking of rice on the sides.
- Voice Navigation: The rice cooker has an intelligent voice
navigation system to ease your work.
5 Tips to know while buying rice
- All quality Rice: The rice cooker you buy, must cook all
variety of rice.
- The Pressure Standards: The cooker must withstand the
high boiling point while cooking.
- The Heating Standards: While buying a rice cooker
choose the one with non- contact of heating feature to avoid the uneven
cooking of food.
The cooker must have a “heat timer’.
- The Coating Standards: The cooker must withstand high
pressure and heat while cooking.
- The cooker must have a non-stick coating inside to avoid sticking
of food to the inner bowl.
- The aluminium coating on the sides must not leak into the
- The Safety Standards: The cooker must have the basic
safety measure to avoid any mis-happenings.
- The Brand- Value: Always go a branded cooker to ensure the
availability of the parts and the service by an authorised one.