Tips to Improve Your Hotel Revenues During the Peak Season

Posted by Mycloud Hospitality
Aug 29, 2018

Every hospitality property has a peak season which they anticipate. Amid this time, the greater part of their yearly revenue is made. Most hotels nowadays endeavor to increase the number direct bookings amid the peak period. This is their most direct approach to increasing their overall revenue.

We are here to discuss a couple of practical things hoteliers can do to maximize their booking and how to use a  cloud based Hotel management software to raise occupancy to previously unseen levels.

The global hospitality industry was estimated to have made around 550 billion US dollars in 2016. In any case, these numbers are growing as global spending power increases and way of life needs for people change.

Staying aware of industry development isn't easy yet it can be done if hotels figure out how to stay aware of their peak season.

Online Reviews

Nowadays, there is less and less work for travel agencies as the cutting-edge, tech-savvy travelers deal with most things self. Present day tourists want to make their own experience and are not hesitant to do hard research to make it happen.

With regards to accommodation properties they have a tendency to depend more on the personal experience of travelers who as of now visited the property than commercials, brand story etc. Along these lines, they will typically check various review sites, any testimonials, blogs or even personal videos and photos of other people who remained at a specific property.

The best way to ensure great online review is to be active in the online environment. Keeping online reviews positive and ratings near five stars (no one gets an ideal score in the long haul) require a considerable work measure and genuine care for the experience your guests have.

IT Improvement

Information Technology has become a major factor in hospitality industry however most hotels are stills struggling to implement all the technology expected to deal with various online channels they intend to cover. Their work can be manual and redundant without necessary automation and, therefore, prone to mistakes, issues with systems that don't incorporate well with each other.

Pinpointing the correct software solutions and influencing a timely investment before the peak season begins can encourage recognize and convert more leads, raising revenue.

A cloud PMS may be an ideal solution for enable hotel to staff keep up with booking coming in from various channels (OTAs, Brand Website, Google Hotel Ads). The objective is to unify together all information and communication in order to avoid booking overlaps, vacancy issues etc.

Picking the right cloud based hotel software is in no way, shape or form a simple accomplishment yet once you discover something that fits things a great deal less easily.


While peak seasons don't fit inside a similar time span for all hotels, every hotel is confronting fierce competition regardless of this.

Most customer choices are situated around the price they have to pay to get a specific level of accommodation quality. They will normally compare price of more than a few hotels that provide a similar quality of service and go for the most affordable one.

Hotel revenue management is a major factor here. This piece of management predicts consumer behavior; optimize availability and prices to attract as many customers as possible. They will probably decrease the measure of time rooms remain vacant but also to keep prices competitive.

Coordinate Booking Boost

We've just said that immediate booking is the most desirable booking outcome. The most direct way to improve the number of direct bookings is to offer client benefits for doing this.

This can be accomplished through discounts on different things (nourishment, drinks, discounts on future reservations, and so forth), complimentary things (dinners, spa treatments, experiences, and so on.) or some other benefits that suits your business model.

Through these incentives you are not just achieving your goal of raising the number of direct booking, you are also likewise enhancing customer loyalty.

These are in no way, every one of the strategies you can use to enhance peak season revenue. In any case, these four things will help you achieve new potential leads, manage them appropriately, optimize your vacancy / occupancy ratio and enhance your brands image. We trust you have a lucrative season!
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