Tips On Sustaining PPC Campaign During The Hard Times Of COVID-19

Posted by Sarah Iyer
May 5, 2020

As far as PPC campaign during the time of COVID-19 is concerned, Google has some old-school methods to give in terms of making more revenue out of your PPC budget. Google says that you should increase your budget and turn "On" smart bidding. These may be the recommendations of the top search engine, but PPC experts India say that there are numerous other steps to take related to your PPC budget. Things have changed drastically in the past two months as almost all countries across the globe face lockdown due to this pandemic. Here in this post, we will try and figure out how this has impacted PPC campaigns and what’s more is coming in this regards.

Changing Consumer Behaviour

  • With more and more people now staying at home, it is very obvious that their buying trends too will get changed.

  • A survey held on the country of China reveals that mobile phones usage increased by almost 20 percent during the lockdown period. This was a clear shift that made businesses realise that it’s better to now work on mobile-friendliness of the website and ensure that the website works well on mobile devices.

  • To find out this compatibility of the website, you can easily run Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test because all the issues related to making the website run on a mobile would get listed there.

  • From there, you can find out the issues and address them to make the website more mobile-friendly and then, the PPC specialist India would be able to create a campaign based on a mobile-friendly website.

Bidding Changes

  • Another very important thing that has changed a lot because of this pandemic is the bidding behaviour and keeping this in mind, the PPC experts India will design the campaign for you.

  • At present, however, the bidding pattern is very uncertain and nothing can be said as to in which direction, it would go.

  • People were expecting it to go up, but then there were some who had assumed that it has already started downwards movement.

  • Lastly, there were some who were expecting the average CPC to remain unchanged and constant.

  • Amidst all these assumptions and theories, PPC specialists India say that it is time to be very mindful and aware that things could change really swiftly. Therefore, they will keep a close eye on your account performance and adjust bids and bidding strategies accordingly.


  • The next thing to be aware of is the recommendation and the PPC expert India hired by you will work really seriously on the Google’s Recommendation Tab. This tab is the saviour during these hard times, as it will give you some very helpful advice on ways to improve your account.

This tab will make recommendations on the following issues.

  • Ads And Extensions – Suggestions to maximise the performance of your ads.

  • Keywords And Targeting – Various ways to reach more people who might be interested in what your business offers.

  • Repairs – Simple fixes for issues in your account.

  • Ad Suggestions – Variations of your existing Search ads that may improve click-through rates.

  • Proposed Changes – Campaign drafts and experiment suggestions to boost your campaign performance.

It’s advisable to avoid any from the “Bids & Budgets” section for now that my lead to increased spending.

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