This Tucson, AZ Wellness Coach Helps You Manage Change & Stress In A New E-Guide

Posted by PRC Agency
May 3, 2022
This Tucson, AZ Wellness Coach Helps You Manage Change & Stress In A New E-GuideHow are your stress levels? If change seems scary and you're finding it hard to see the positive side of things, read the new free guide to embracing transitions from Bosch Integrative Wellness!Enjoy a detailed look at why we struggle with periods of transition and how, by understanding your fears, you can find a new path to a happy and healthy future.The new guide explores the nature of new beginnings and why they can often seem daunting as you move into a different phase of life. The ebook can be accessed, via download and without charge, from the Bosch Integrative Wellness website.While transitions are a part of life, every change comes with losses and gains. Changing jobs, moving house, health issues, and relationships ending or beginning all take an emotional toll on people at any stage of life. An article by Colorado State University highlighted the links between stress associated with transitions and the incidence of heart disease, underlining the serious consequences of ill-managed adjustment to life events.The New Beginnings guide discusses the nature of new beginnings such as starting school, new relationships, facing retirement, and moving to a new neighborhood. While these events all have positive aspects, they also signal the end of what went before, leading many of us to fear and resist change. Does this sound like you? Get some top tips on how you can turn negatives into positives.The ebook goes on to explore how this fear can manifest in mental health conditions such as depression - relating to the past - and anxiety - a fear of what the future holds both in the short and long term. These disorders, while psychological, can impact your physical health if left unchecked.The New Beginnings guide lists the top eight factors that most commonly prevent people from embracing change. These are a fear of the unknown, rejection, disappointment, loneliness, stepping out of one's comfort zone, loss of status, the pressure of success, the impact of peer groups, and the attitude of the world at large.You also benefit from an inspiring section on embracing new beginnings and how, by addressing your negative internal dialogue, a fresh start enables you to learn lessons from the past, learn new skills, live in the moment, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and intentionality.As the guide says, “Think about this for a moment. You're standing on the brink of a new life and the kind of success you've always wanted. All it takes is that very first step.”Bosch Integrative Wellness affirms its reputation as the go-to life and health coaching resource. Find out what the team can do for you. If change just feels strange, and transitions seem scary, with top tips from Bosch, there's no need to be wary. Start your journey to a stress-free future today.Click the link in the description for more details!
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