Things You Should Know About Hearing Loss
According to a report, nearly 25 percent of people between the ages of 65 and 74 experience hearing loss. There are maybe many causes for hearing loss and the problem can go even worse if it does not care properly. In this article, you will learn some beneficial things that could help you overcome your hearing loss.
What is hearing loss?
Hearing loss is when a person is unable to partially or fully hear sound in one or both of the ears. Hearing loss typically happens over time depending on the ages.
What causes hearing loss?
The American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) reports that there are three basic
kinds of hearing loss, each one caused by different underlying factors. The
three most common reasons for decreased hearing are conductive hearing loss,
sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), and then mixed hearing loss.
Sometimes, you may not be able to recognize your hearing loss. In this case, you can visit a hearing care center or you can simply call them at your home as well. You can also call Audiologist New Jersey to your home or at a suitable location.
Conductive Hearing Loss
Conductive hearing loss happens when sounds are unable to travel from the outer ear to the eardrum and the bones of the middle ear. When this type of hearing loss takes place, you may find it is tough to hear soft or muffled sounds. Conductive hearing loss is not always permanent. Medical interventions can heal it.v
Causes of conductive hearing loss:
· Ear infections
- Ear infections
- Allergies
- Swimmer's ear
Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL)
SNHL occurs when there is
damage to inner ear structures or in the nerve pathways to the brain. This kind
of hearing loss is generally permanent.
SNHL can result from:
- Aging
- Trauma to the head or skull
- Working around loud noises
- Birth defects that alter the structure of the ear
Mixed Hearing Loss
It happens when both conductive
and SNHL take place at the same time.
What are the symptoms of hearing loss?
Hearing loss usually happens
over time. At first, you might be not able to notice any changes in your
hearing. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms, you should
contact a doctor.
Here are the symptoms of
hearing loss:
Severe hearing loss
Sudden hearing loss
Hearing loss in one
Hearing loss
interferes with your daily activities
Severe hearing loss
Ringing in the ear
You should seek emergency
medical treatment if you find numbness, headaches, or weakness along with any
of the following:
Mental agitation
Sensitivity to
Neck stiffness
Quick breathing
What are the treatment options for hearing loss?
If you have hearing loss due to
the buildup of wax in the ear canal, you can remove the wax at your home. Using
counter solutions including wax softeners can eliminate wax from the ear.
Syringes can also push warm water through the ear canal to remove the wax.
For other causes of hearing
loss, you will need to consult your doctor. If your hearing loss is due to an
infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
What are the complications associated with
hearing loss
Hearing loss impacts adversely
on people's quality of life and their mental state. If you develop hearing
loss, you may have difficulty in understanding others. It can increase your
anxiety level and depression as well. Therefore, one should immediately seek
help if you find hearing problems.
Mixed Hearing Loss
It happens when both conductive and SNHL take place at the same time.
What are the symptoms of hearing loss?
Hearing loss usually happens over time. At first, you might be not able to notice any changes in your hearing. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms, you should contact a doctor.
Here are the symptoms of hearing loss:
• Severe hearing loss
• Sudden hearing loss
• Hearing loss in one ear
• Hearing loss interferes with your daily activities
• Severe hearing loss
• Headaches
• Numbness
• Weakness
• Ringing in the ear
You should seek emergency medical treatment if you find numbness, headaches, or weakness along with any of the following:
• Vomiting
• Mental agitation
• Sensitivity to light
• Neck stiffness
• Quick breathing
• Chills
What are the treatment options for hearing loss?
If you have hearing loss due to the buildup of wax in the ear canal, you can remove the wax at your home. Using counter solutions including wax softeners can eliminate wax from the ear. Syringes can also push warm water through the ear canal to remove the wax.
For other causes of hearing loss, you will need to consult your doctor. If your hearing loss is due to an infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
What are the complications associated with hearing loss
Hearing loss impacts adversely on people's quality of life and their mental state. If you develop hearing loss, you may have difficulty in understanding others. It can increase your anxiety level and depression as well. Therefore, one should immediately seek help if you find hearing problems.
How can I prevent hearing loss?
You can prevent all cases of hearing loss as there are some cornering to the growing age. However, several steps which you can take to protect your hearing are below:
Avoid prolonged exposure to heavy noises and loud music
Have regular hearing tests if you work around loud noises, or go to concerts on a frequent basis. Use safety equipment if you work in areas with loud noises and wear earplugs when you swim or go to musical concerts.
Hearing loss is inevitable but capable as well. You only need a timely check-up to detect the problem before it turns into a severe problem. Therefore, people prefer mobile audiologists for their hearing treatment. They simply come to your home and treat your ears easily.
About the author
The author is an audiologist at a hearing care company that provides in-home hearing clinic services for a variety of hearing-related issues.