Things To Do With Unusable Damaged Timber Pallets

Posted by Vinsky Sarah
Sep 11, 2020
Pallets are vital for businesses that rely on inbound and outbound shipments daily since they are used to transport goods from one place to another.

Pallets are used excessively by such businesses which results in a large number of broken and damaged pallets that cannot be used.

These damaged pallets can take up a lot of space in the work facility causing severe disruption, disorganisation and accidents.  

Even though the management of used pallets takes up a significant amount of time and resources, it is extremely significant to learn how to dispose of pallets the right way.

Learning where to get rid of pallets will help you clean up your work facility, improve your business reputation in the market and enhance productivity.

There are many options to get rid of or reuse the timber pallets in a way that is economical as well as environmental-friendly.

Listed below, are a few options for what you can do with your unwanted timber pallets:

  • Energy use
Breaking down and burning the timber from timber pallets is an incredible way to conserve energy costs and make use of the old timber.

However, timber that has been chemically treated can release harmful toxins into the air and should therefore not be burned. Heat-treated pallets, however, are fine-before using old timber pallets as firewood, make sure you know how they were treated to prevent any accidents.

  • Landscape mulch
Old timber pallets can also be broken down and turned into mulch for gardening and landscaping purposes. Mulch is known to protect plants against extreme temperatures and weather conditions helping them to grow strong and vibrant in any environment. 

Unlike artificial mulch, mulch made from recycled timber pallets is environmentally-friendly and decomposes naturally.

  • Recycle and reuse
If you have an excess of old, broken and damaged timber pallets, the best thing to do with them is to check if they can be repaired. Pallet repairs are not only environmentally friendly but can also you’re your money long term.

Timber is a precious natural resource. It is critical to conserve the timber consumption by recycling and reusing as many timber products as possible.

There are many pallet recycling companies available in the market so finding one for reliable pallet recycling services can be a daunting task.

When it comes to recycling pallets, it is crucial that you research well and get in touch with a reputable pallet supplying company offering a wide range of services, including pallet recycling and pallet removal. 

In conclusion, these above-stated are some of the things that can be done with unusable damaged timber pallets.

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