Things to consider before you buy contact lenses.

Posted by Kristen White
May 30, 2020
Choosing the right contact lenses is a decision you should make only after consulting your doctor. The right choice depends on many factors, including cost, tolerance, how much you can care, and more.

Here is the list of things you need to consider before you buy eye contacts in Kenya:

How Often Will You Wear Contacts?
Are you planning to wear contact lenses every day, or just occasionally? Most people wear soft contact lenses, which usually can be worn comfortably both full-time and part-time. Whereas, rigid gas permeable contacts (RGP) must be worn on a daily basis for them to be comfortable.

How Picky Are You About The Sharpness Of Your Vision?
RGP lenses may take some getting used to at first, but they often provide sharper vision. Soft contact lenses on the other hand are not very good when it comes to sharpness.

Are You Willing To Care For Your Contacts Properly?
To avoid serious contact lens-related problems, including corneal ulcers and fungal eye infections, it is essential that you use the contact lens solution recommended by your eye doctor.

Though disposable contact lenses have reduced the risk of eye infections, the daily lens still required care to make sure your eyes remain healthy when wearing contact lenses.

Consider daily disposable lenses if you are not able to clean or disinfect your lenses each day.

Is Overnight Wear Important To You?
Do you like the idea of wearing eye contact lenses all the time, including overnight? Some lenses allow a high amount of oxygen to pass through them and they also approved by the FDA for overnight use.

But wearing contact lenses all the time is not for everyone. If you are interested in extended wear contacts, your eye doctor will conduct a proper evaluation of how well your eyes can tolerate overnight lenses.

Do You Want To Change Your Eye Color?
Today, you can find color contact lenses, which gives your eyes a new look. These soft contact lenses can enhance your eye color or change it completely.

Special effect lenses can dramatically change the appearance of your eyes. Special-effect contacts called gothic lenses can make you look like a vampire. These are quite famous among teenagers, especially during Halloween.

Make sure you consult your doctor before trying any of the color-changing lenses to ensure your eyes remain safe.

Do You Wear Bifocals?
Are you over the age of 40, have a bifocal vision, and rely on glasses eye care? Don’t worry, there are lenses available for you as well. Multifocal contact lenses can reduce or eliminate your need for wearing reading glasses.

Another option is monovision, where one contact lens is prescribed for goon near vision and the other one provides good distance vision. It may sound odd, but many people with presbyopia find monovision contacts much clear, and comfortable.

What About Contact Lens Costs?
Contact lenses don’t eliminate the need for eyeglasses, so make sure you consider the cost of contact lenses. When estimating the cost of the lenses, don’t forget to include the price of the contact lens solution.

Do You Have Allergies Or Dry Eyes?
Eye allergies or dry eyes can affect the comfort level of your contacts or limit your ability to wear them. If you have any of these conditions, consult it with your eye doctor before you start using them.

Daily disposable contacts help reduce lens-related allergies. There are specific brands of contact lenses available especially for dry eyes.

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